Incorrect sorting order?

Keld Jørn Simonsen
Wed Jul 14 15:30:00 GMT 2004

On Wed, Jul 14, 2004 at 03:54:27PM +0200, Petter Reinholdtsen wrote:
> According to
> <URL:>, the
> glibc sorting order is different from the order used in Solaris and
> Tru64 Unix.  Is the glibc sorting order according to the ISO 14651
> spesification?  Is the spesification wrong?  Anyone know?

I think this is cocrect. Or: I have seen some quite incorrect sorting
specs, including Danish, for Solaris. I think glibc is correct and that 
Solaris is wrong.

14651 is mostly correct. I do have some issues with 14651, current
version, but I am not sure which version of 14651 that is the one used
in glibc.

Some of my issues are that in current 14651 an ø and an æ is not sorted 
as an o and ae respectiviely, which is the cultural expectation for most
languages. They are sorted as separate letters - somewhere. Likewise for
a number of other latin letters, like Polish L with stroke.

I think solaris ordering is not built on ISO 10646 , but on individual
charsets such as iso-8859-1 - but it is a long time since I have seen
these specs (although my name may be in them:-)

best regards

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