What is errno really defined as

frank ernest doark@mail.com
Sun Nov 2 21:11:00 GMT 2014

>> Errno is declared as a function returning pointer to int and it does not
>> modify or read any golbal variables.
> The way errno is defined actually makes it quite easy to read and write it
> from the application.
> If you wrote:
> errno = 0;
> It would translate to:
> (* __errno_location ()) = 0;
> i.e. get the address of errno, then write 0 at that address.

[Then the light bulb appeared] Ah! I've nerver seen, or read anybody doing anything like that before in my life, and I've read at least 7 books on C.
This is really cool, but tells me nothing about the volitle or non-volitle state of errno. As for thread local storage, I'll have to read up on that.

Thanks, that is very interesting and worth while thing to know.

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