Some doubt regarding getaddrinfo()

Wed May 21 09:55:00 GMT 2014

Hi all, i had a doubt w.r.t to getaddrinfo()

i had configured link-local address and site-local address as follows.

ifconfig eth0 inet6 add fe80::1/64
ifconfig eth0 inet6 add fec0::1/10

Now my /etc/hosts contains the following :

. For the destination address selection , in getaddrinfo.c ,  gaih_inet
will return the set of available destination address( not sorted yet ) .
Then if we have 2 addresses , for eg : site-local and link-local , then
i see following code flow: <in getaddrinfo.c :  __socket (af,
SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_IP) , then __connect() and then __getsockname
inorder to get the source address suitable from the kernel ( gets filled
to results[i].source_addr .>. Here when i see netstat | grep -i udp , i
see that connection has been established . However the destination is

 So my questions:
1)  how can  connect() succeed to fec0::2 for example which is not
reachable from my side. < have not configured fec0::2 in any other
machines. >  . In getaddrinfo.c , it is mentioned that :
        /* We overwrite the type with SOCK_DGRAM since we do not
                 want connect() to connect to the other side.  If we
                 cannot determine the source address remember this
                 fact.  */   < --- Didnt get properly what it means.

#netstat | grep -i udp
udp        0      0 fec0::1:34236            

2) However connect() fails in case of link-local address and hence
results->got_source_addr is still false .

Any thoughts ? . This may be a simple question . But any help would be

Thank you,
Sumanth K

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