What to do when a patch is ignored (Re: [PATCH] Make sys/timerfd.h usable without __USE_POSIX199309)

Jonathan Nieder jrnieder@gmail.com
Thu Nov 3 04:57:00 GMT 2011

Hi glibc helpers and eglibc people,

Jonathan Nieder wrote:

> 	sys/timerfd.h:46:28: error: unknown type name ‘clockid_t’
> I sent three patches, any one of which would address that.
>  - http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lib.glibc.alpha/16687
>  - http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lib.glibc.alpha/16806
>  - http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lib.glibc.alpha/16828

Simple bug report, simple patch.  Ulrich Drepper doesn't seem to like
it.  If there's no way to get this kind of thing in, then glibc will
end up filled with papercuts and traps for the unwary and there will
be no way for new contributors to get started.  Am I misunderstanding?

I believe Drepper et al have done some wonderful work, and honestly
I'm surprised at the cold response this got.  It's certainly possible
the patches are lousy (but how can anyone tell and learn from that?).
I wish I knew to move forward.



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