Priority Inversion and Unlimited Spin of pthread_rwlock_t

Peng Zheng
Tue Mar 12 03:19:53 GMT 2024


I found that there are several unlimited spins in the current 
pthread_rwlock's implementation.
Therefore, it suffers from the same issue of user-space spinlocks as 
mentioned in this LWN article ([0]):

 > One thread might be spinning on a lock while the holder has been 
preempted and isn't running at all. In such cases, the lock will not be 
released soon, and the spinning just wastes CPU time. In the worst case, 
the thread that is spinning may be the one that is keeping the lock 
holder from running, meaning that the spinning thread is actively 
preventing the lock it needs from being released. In such situations, 
the code should simply stop spinning and go to sleep until the lock is 

I just encountered one such issue in an embedded Linux system: there 
were several readers of priority SCHED_RR, and one writer of priority 

It was found that two high priority readers are spinning (consuming 100% 
CPU) within the loop near the end of `__pthread_rwlock_rdlock_full`:

   for (;;)
       while (((wpf = atomic_load_relaxed (&rwlock->__data.__wrphase_futex))
       if (ready)
     /* See below.  */
       if ((atomic_load_acquire (&rwlock->__data.__readers)
             ready = true;
   return 0;

And the SCHED_OTHER writer was just about to enable the 
`__wrphase_futex` in `__pthread_rwlock_wrlock_full` (just one ARM 
instruction away)
but never able to do that (the two readers ate nearly all available CPUs):

   while ((r & PTHREAD_RWLOCK_WRPHASE) == 0
      && (r >> PTHREAD_RWLOCK_READER_SHIFT) == 0)
       if (atomic_compare_exchange_weak_acquire (&rwlock->__data.__readers,
                         &r, r | PTHREAD_RWLOCK_WRPHASE))
       atomic_store_relaxed (&rwlock->__data.__wrphase_futex, 1);  
/* writer was stuck HERE! */

       goto done;
       /* TODO Back-off.  */

In ARM assembly:

move r3, #1 ; the writer is stuck HERE!
str r3,[r12,#8] ; r12 holds the address of rwlock->__data, and 8 is the 
offset of __readers in __data

Unlimited user space spin is too dangerous to be used, how about 
limiting the total number of spins before suspending using futex? Or 
using rseq as mentioned in the LWN artible?

Any ideas?



Peng Zheng
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