[musl] Re: Tweaking the program name for <err.h> functions

Thorsten Glaser tg@mirbsd.de
Sat Mar 9 21:44:32 GMT 2024

Alejandro Colomar dixit:

>You could say it's
>glibc and musl's fault, for importing the err.h functions without
>importing setprogname(3).  In the BSD world, where these APIs
>originated, they seem to be configurable portably (within BSDs).  And

Nope. They are rather new, there are BSDs without them
(where “extern const char *__progname;” is still used).

FWIW, I'm quite impressed with mksh interactively. I thought it was much
*much* more bare bones. But it turns out it beats the living hell out of
ksh93 in that respect. I'd even consider it for my daily use if I hadn't
wasted half my life on my zsh setup. :-) -- Frank Terbeck in #!/bin/mksh

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