[PATCH] io: Fix record locking contants for powerpc64 with __USE_FILE_OFFSET64

Andreas Schwab schwab@suse.de
Wed Aug 30 09:19:52 GMT 2023

On Aug 29 2023, Aurelien Jarno wrote:

> It does break some binaries, for instance File-FcntlLock [1] with the
> following scenario:
> - perl is built against glibc 2.37
> - system is upgraded to glibc 2.38
> - File-FcntlLock is built against glibc 2.38: it does not work as the
>   value of F_GETLK has changed from 12 to 5 [2].

It happens all the time that an API change breaks some combination of
recompiled and not recompiled objects.  But it is not an ABI break, only
a QoI issue.

Andreas Schwab, SUSE Labs, schwab@suse.de
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