[PATCH 3/3] Loongarch: Add ifunc support for strncmp{aligned, lsx}

dengjianbo dengjianbo@loongson.cn
Tue Aug 22 06:37:42 GMT 2023

On 2023-08-22 11:56, Richard Henderson wrote:
>> +L(magic_num):
>> +    .align          6
>> +    .dword          0x0706050403020100
>> +    .dword          0x0f0e0d0c0b0a0908
>> +    beqz            a2, L(ret0)
>> +    pcaddi          t0, -5
>> +    andi            a3, a0, 0xf
>> +    vld             vr2, t0, 0
> Why is the data not in .rodata or a mergable constant section?
> You can use pcalau12i and %pc_lo12 with vld to place this data anywhere.
> r~ 

Putting the data here is due to the performance. When the vld
instruction is executed, the data will be in the cache, it can
speed up the data loading.

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