[PATCH 1/2] scripts/glibcelf.py: Add hashing support

Florian Weimer fweimer@redhat.com
Fri Aug 19 10:16:33 GMT 2022

ELF and GNU hashes can now be computed using the elf_hash and
gnu_hash functions.
 elf/tst-glibcelf.py | 19 +++++++++++++++++++
 scripts/glibcelf.py | 19 +++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 38 insertions(+)

diff --git a/elf/tst-glibcelf.py b/elf/tst-glibcelf.py
index bf15a3bad4..e5026e2289 100644
--- a/elf/tst-glibcelf.py
+++ b/elf/tst-glibcelf.py
@@ -240,6 +240,24 @@ def check_constant_values(cc):
             error('{}: glibcelf has {!r}, <elf.h> has {!r}'.format(
                 name, glibcelf_value, elf_h_value))
+def check_hashes():
+    for name, expected_elf, expected_gnu in (
+            ('', 0, 0x1505),
+            ('PPPPPPPPPPPP', 0, 0x9f105c45),
+            ('GLIBC_2.0', 0xd696910, 0xf66c3dd5),
+            ('GLIBC_2.34', 0x69691b4, 0xc3f3f90c),
+            ('GLIBC_PRIVATE', 0x963cf85, 0x692a260)):
+        for convert in (lambda x: x, lambda x: x.encode('UTF-8')):
+            name = convert(name)
+            actual_elf = glibcelf.elf_hash(name)
+            if actual_elf != expected_elf:
+                error('elf_hash({!r}): {:x} != 0x{:x}'.format(
+                    name, actual_elf, expected_elf))
+            actual_gnu = glibcelf.gnu_hash(name)
+            if actual_gnu != expected_gnu:
+                error('gnu_hash({!r}): {:x} != 0x{:x}'.format(
+                    name, actual_gnu, expected_gnu))
 def main():
     """The main entry point."""
     parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
@@ -251,6 +269,7 @@ def main():
+    check_hashes()
     if errors_encountered > 0:
         print("note: errors encountered:", errors_encountered)
diff --git a/scripts/glibcelf.py b/scripts/glibcelf.py
index de0509130e..5c8f46f590 100644
--- a/scripts/glibcelf.py
+++ b/scripts/glibcelf.py
@@ -1158,5 +1158,24 @@ class Image:
         self._stringtab[sh_link] = strtab
         return strtab
+def elf_hash(s):
+    """Computes the ELF hash of the string."""
+    acc = 0
+    for ch in s:
+        if type(ch) is not int:
+            ch = ord(ch)
+        acc = ((acc << 4) + ch) & 0xffffffff
+        top = acc & 0xf0000000
+        acc = (acc ^ (top >> 24)) & ~top
+    return acc
+def gnu_hash(s):
+    """Computes the GNU hash of the string."""
+    h = 5381
+    for ch in s:
+        if type(ch) is not int:
+            ch = ord(ch)
+        h = (h * 33 + ch) & 0xffffffff
+    return h
 __all__ = [name for name in dir() if name[0].isupper()]

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