[PATCH] ci: Check for necessary Debian packages when running build-many-glibcs.py

Adhemerval Zanella adhemerval.zanella@linaro.org
Tue Nov 9 13:43:15 GMT 2021

On 09/11/2021 10:39, Lukasz Majewski wrote:
> Hi Adhemerval,
>> On 08/11/2021 16:44, Lukasz Majewski wrote:
>>> Hi Adhemerval,
>>>> On 08/11/2021 13:59, Joseph Myers wrote:  
>>>>> On Mon, 8 Nov 2021, Lukasz Majewski wrote:
>>>>>> The same approach (with using the 'distro' python module) can be
>>>>>> applied to Fedora or Suse.    
>>>>> That module isn't part of the Python standard library.  I don't
>>>>> think we should introduce a dependency on it; rather, any use of
>>>>> it should be appropriately conditional, so the code still runs
>>>>> (without these checks) if the module is unavailable (importing
>>>>> produces an ImportError).
>>>>> In particular, even if the OS Python installation includes that
>>>>> module, the script should work with a separately built copy of
>>>>> Python without any such modules from the OS.    
>>>> Maybe add a check without tying to any distribution (tool -v and
>>>> some version parsing).  
>>> This would require some extra, work but then we would avoid 'distro'
>>> module as the dependency.  
>> I think the work required is that hard, something like:
>> --
>> import shutil
>> import subprocess
>> def get_version(progname):
>>     out = subprocess.run([progname, '--version'],
>> stdout=subprocess.PIPE, check=True, universal_newlines=True).stdout
>>     return [int(x) for x in
>> out.splitlines()[0].split()[-1].split('.')]
>> def get_version_awk(progname):
>>     out = subprocess.run([progname, '--version'],
>> stdout=subprocess.PIPE, check=True, universal_newlines=True).stdout
>>     version =
>> out.splitlines()[0].split()[2].replace(',','').split('.') return
>> [int(x) for x in version]
>> def check_version(ver, req):
>>     for v, r in zip(ver, req):
>>         if v >= r:
>>             return True
>>     return False
>> def version_str(ver):
>>     return '.'.join([str (x) for x in version])
>> TOOLS={ 'make'     : (get_version,     (4,0)),
>>         'makeinfo' : (get_version,     (4,7)),
>>         'awk'      : (get_version_awk, (3,1,2)),
>>         'bison'    : (get_version,     (2,7)),
>>         'sed'      : (get_version,     (3,2)),
>>         'flex'     : (get_version,     (2,6,0)),
>>         'git'      : (get_version,     (2,32)),
>>         'patch'    : (get_version,     (2,7,0)),
>>         'tar'      : (get_version,     (1,3,4))}
>> for k, v in TOOLS.items():
>>     version = v[0](k)
>>     ok = 'ok' if check_version (version, v[1]) else 'old'
>>     print('{:9}: {:3} (obtained=\"{}\" required=\"{}\")'.format(k, ok,
>>         version_str(version), version_str(v[1])))
>> --
> Yes, I think that this approach is the most exhaustive one, so we would
> also check the version of required tools.
> LGTM :-)

Also, please double check the required version (for instance 'git' and
'patch').  You will also need to add 'perl' and it similar to 'awk',
it emits the version in a GNU manner.

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