[PATCH] powerpc64[le]: Fix CFI for assembly templated syscalls [BZ #28532]
Matheus Castanho
Wed Nov 3 14:22:22 GMT 2021
Syscalls based on the assembly templates are missing CFI for r31, which gets
clobbered when scv is used, and info for LR is inaccurate, placed in the wrong
LOC and not using the proper offset. These are fixed by this commit.
After this change:
$ readelf -wF libc.so.6 | grep 0004b9d4.. -A 7 && objdump --disassemble=kill libc.so.6
00004a48 0000000000000020 00004a4c FDE cie=00000000 pc=000000000004b9d4..000000000004ba3c
LOC CFA r31 ra
000000000004b9d4 r1+0 u u
000000000004b9e4 r1+48 u u
000000000004b9e8 r1+48 c-16 u
000000000004b9fc r1+48 c-16 c-32
000000000004ba08 r1+48 c-16
000000000004ba18 r1+48 u
000000000004ba1c r1+0 u
libc.so.6: file format elf64-powerpcle
Disassembly of section .text:
000000000004b9d4 <kill>:
4b9d4: 1f 00 4c 3c addis r2,r12,31
4b9d8: 2c c3 42 38 addi r2,r2,-15572
4b9dc: 25 00 00 38 li r0,37
4b9e0: d1 ff 21 f8 stdu r1,-48(r1)
4b9e4: 20 00 e1 fb std r31,32(r1)
4b9e8: 98 8f ed eb ld r31,-28776(r13)
4b9ec: 10 00 ff 77 andis. r31,r31,16
4b9f0: 1c 00 82 41 beq 4ba0c <kill+0x38>
4b9f4: a6 02 28 7d mflr r9
4b9f8: 10 00 21 f9 std r9,16(r1)
4b9fc: 01 00 00 44 scv 0
4ba00: 10 00 21 e9 ld r9,16(r1)
4ba04: a6 03 28 7d mtlr r9
4ba08: 08 00 00 48 b 4ba10 <kill+0x3c>
4ba0c: 02 00 00 44 sc
4ba10: 00 00 bf 2e cmpdi cr5,r31,0
4ba14: 20 00 e1 eb ld r31,32(r1)
4ba18: 30 00 21 38 addi r1,r1,48
4ba1c: 18 00 96 41 beq cr5,4ba34 <kill+0x60>
4ba20: 01 f0 20 39 li r9,-4095
4ba24: 40 48 23 7c cmpld r3,r9
4ba28: 20 00 e0 4d bltlr+
4ba2c: d0 00 63 7c neg r3,r3
4ba30: 08 00 00 48 b 4ba38 <kill+0x64>
4ba34: 20 00 e3 4c bnslr+
4ba38: c8 32 fe 4b b 2ed00 <__syscall_error>
4ba44: 40 20 0c 00 .long 0xc2040
4ba48: 68 00 00 00 .long 0x68
4ba4c: 06 00 5f 5f rlwnm r31,r26,r0,0,3
4ba50: 6b 69 6c 6c xoris r12,r3,26987
sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc64/sysdep.h | 6 ++++--
1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
diff --git a/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc64/sysdep.h b/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc64/sysdep.h
index 589f7c8d18..beb477d57b 100644
--- a/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc64/sysdep.h
+++ b/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc64/sysdep.h
@@ -275,12 +275,14 @@ LT_LABELSUFFIX(name,_name_end): ; \
/* Allocate frame and save register */
#define NVOLREG_SAVE \
stdu r1,-SCV_FRAME_SIZE(r1); \
+ cfi_adjust_cfa_offset(SCV_FRAME_SIZE); \
- cfi_adjust_cfa_offset(SCV_FRAME_SIZE);
/* Restore register and destroy frame */
+ cfi_restore(r31); \
addi r1,r1,SCV_FRAME_SIZE; \
@@ -332,7 +334,7 @@ LT_LABELSUFFIX(name,_name_end): ; \
#define DO_CALL_SCV \
mflr r9; \
std r9,FRAME_LR_SAVE(r1); \
- cfi_offset(lr,FRAME_LR_SAVE); \
+ cfi_offset(lr,-(SCV_FRAME_SIZE-FRAME_LR_SAVE)); \
.machine "push"; \
.machine "power9"; \
scv 0; \
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