[PATCH v3 6/6] stdlib: Add testcase fro BZ #26241
DJ Delorie
Wed Jan 20 04:33:15 GMT 2021
Adhemerval Zanella via Libc-alpha <libc-alpha@sourceware.org> writes:
> - tst-setcontext9 tst-bz20544
> + tst-setcontext9 tst-bz20544 tst-canon-bz26341
New test, ok.
> +LDLIBS-tst-canon-bz26341 = $(shared-thread-library)
> diff --git a/stdlib/tst-canon-bz26341.c b/stdlib/tst-canon-bz26341.c
> +/* Check if realpath does not consume extra stack space based on symlink
> + existance in the path (BZ #26341)
Is this allowed to be two lines?
> + Copyright (C) 2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Year is wrong now :-)
> +#include <stdlib.h>
> +#include <string.h>
> +#include <sys/param.h>
> +#include <unistd.h>
> +#define __sysconf sysconf
> +#include <eloop-threshold.h>
> +#include <support/check.h>
> +#include <support/support.h>
> +#include <support/temp_file.h>
> +#include <support/xunistd.h>
> +#include <support/xthread.h>
> +static char *filename;
> +static size_t filenamelen;
> +static char *linkname;
> +
> +#ifndef PATH_MAX
> +# define PATH_MAX 1024
> +#endif
> +static void
> +create_link (void)
> +{
> + int fd = create_temp_file ("tst-canon-bz26341", &filename);
> + TEST_VERIFY_EXIT (fd != -1);
> + xclose (fd);
> +
> + char *prevlink = filename;
> + int maxlinks = __eloop_threshold ();
> + for (int i = 0; i < maxlinks; i++)
> + {
> + linkname = xasprintf ("%s%d", filename, i);
> + xsymlink (prevlink, linkname);
linkname -> prevlink -> filename
> + add_temp_file (linkname);
> + prevlink = linkname;
> + }
> +
> + filenamelen = strlen (filename);
> +}
On exit, linkname has the last link created. Needs a comment to that
> +static void *
> +do_realpath (void *arg)
> +{
> + /* Old implementation of realpath allocates a PATH_MAX using alloca
> + for each symlink in the path, leading to MAXSYMLINKS times PATH_MAX
> + maximum stack usage.
> + This stack allocations tries fill the thread allocated stack minus
> + both the resolved path (plus some slack) and the realpath (plus some
> + slack).
> + If realpath uses more than 2 * PATH_MAX plus some slack it will trigger
> + a stackoverflow. */
> +
> + const size_t realpath_usage = 2 * PATH_MAX + 1024;
> + const size_t thread_usage = 1 * PATH_MAX + 1024;
> + size_t stack_size = support_small_thread_stack_size ()
> + - realpath_usage - thread_usage;
> + char stack[stack_size];
> + char *resolved = stack + stack_size - thread_usage + 1024;
This points us at PATH_MAX away from the end of stack[]. Ok. Also
forces most of the stack to get used up :-)
> + char *p = realpath (linkname, resolved);
We assume the test will crash if we use more stack than we allocated.
> + TEST_VERIFY (p != NULL);
realpath() must succeed, ok
> + TEST_COMPARE_BLOB (resolved, filenamelen, filename, filenamelen);
And give us the right result, ok
> + return NULL;
> +}
> +
> +static int
> +do_test (void)
> +{
> + create_link ();
> +
> + pthread_t th = xpthread_create (support_small_stack_thread_attribute (),
> + do_realpath, NULL);
> + xpthread_join (th);
> +
> + return 0;
> +}
Run the test in a thread with a small stack, ok.
> +#include <support/test-driver.c>
LGTM with that comment.
Reviewed-by: DJ Delorie <dj@redhat.com>
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