[PATCH 3/5] nptl: Optimization by not incrementing wrefs in pthread_cond_wait

Malte Skarupke malteskarupke@web.de
Sat Jan 16 20:49:48 GMT 2021

After I broadened the scope of grefs, it covered mostly the same scope
as wrefs. The duplicate atomic increment/decrement was unnecessary. In
this patch I remove the increment/decrement of wrefs.

One exception is the case when pthread_cancel is handled. The
interaction between __condvar_cleanup_waiting and
pthread_cond_destroy is complicated and required both variables. So in
order to preserve the existing behavior, I now increment/decrement
wrefs in __condvar_cleanup_waiting.
 nptl/nptl-printers.py          |  5 +++-
 nptl/nptl_lock_constants.pysym |  2 +-
 nptl/pthread_cond_broadcast.c  |  8 +++---
 nptl/pthread_cond_destroy.c    | 29 ++++++++++++++++------
 nptl/pthread_cond_signal.c     |  8 +++---
 nptl/pthread_cond_wait.c       | 45 ++++++++++++++++------------------
 6 files changed, 57 insertions(+), 40 deletions(-)

diff --git a/nptl/nptl-printers.py b/nptl/nptl-printers.py
index e794034d83..1a404befe5 100644
--- a/nptl/nptl-printers.py
+++ b/nptl/nptl-printers.py
@@ -313,6 +313,7 @@ class ConditionVariablePrinter(object):

         data = cond['__data']
         self.wrefs = data['__wrefs']
+        self.grefs = data['__g_refs']
         self.values = []

@@ -350,8 +351,10 @@ class ConditionVariablePrinter(object):
         are waiting for it.

+        num_readers_g0 = self.grefs[0] >> PTHREAD_COND_GREFS_SHIFT
+        num_readers_g1 = self.grefs[1] >> PTHREAD_COND_GREFS_SHIFT
         self.values.append(('Threads known to still execute a wait function',
-                            self.wrefs >> PTHREAD_COND_WREFS_SHIFT))
+                            num_readers_g0 + num_readers_g1))

     def read_attributes(self):
         """Read the condvar's attributes."""
diff --git a/nptl/nptl_lock_constants.pysym b/nptl/nptl_lock_constants.pysym
index ade4398e0c..2141cfa1f0 100644
--- a/nptl/nptl_lock_constants.pysym
+++ b/nptl/nptl_lock_constants.pysym
 -- These values are hardcoded:

 -- Rwlock attributes
diff --git a/nptl/pthread_cond_broadcast.c b/nptl/pthread_cond_broadcast.c
index 8d887aab93..e10432ce7c 100644
--- a/nptl/pthread_cond_broadcast.c
+++ b/nptl/pthread_cond_broadcast.c
@@ -40,10 +40,12 @@ __pthread_cond_broadcast (pthread_cond_t *cond)
   LIBC_PROBE (cond_broadcast, 1, cond);

-  unsigned int wrefs = atomic_load_relaxed (&cond->__data.__wrefs);
-  if (wrefs >> 3 == 0)
+  unsigned int grefs0 = atomic_load_relaxed (cond->__data.__g_refs);
+  unsigned int grefs1 = atomic_load_relaxed (cond->__data.__g_refs + 1);
+  if ((grefs0 >> 1) == 0 && (grefs1 >> 1) == 0)
     return 0;
-  int private = __condvar_get_private (wrefs);
+  unsigned int flags = atomic_load_relaxed (&cond->__data.__wrefs);
+  int private = __condvar_get_private (flags);

   __condvar_acquire_lock (cond, private);

diff --git a/nptl/pthread_cond_destroy.c b/nptl/pthread_cond_destroy.c
index 31034905d1..1c27385f89 100644
--- a/nptl/pthread_cond_destroy.c
+++ b/nptl/pthread_cond_destroy.c
@@ -37,22 +37,35 @@
    signal or broadcast calls.
    Thus, we can assume that all waiters that are still accessing the condvar
    have been woken.  We wait until they have confirmed to have woken up by
-   decrementing __wrefs.  */
+   decrementing __g_refs.  */
 __pthread_cond_destroy (pthread_cond_t *cond)
   LIBC_PROBE (cond_destroy, 1, cond);

-  /* Set the wake request flag.  We could also spin, but destruction that is
-     concurrent with still-active waiters is probably neither common nor
-     performance critical.  Acquire MO to synchronize with waiters confirming
-     that they finished.  */
-  unsigned int wrefs = atomic_fetch_or_acquire (&cond->__data.__wrefs, 4);
-  int private = __condvar_get_private (wrefs);
+  unsigned int flags = atomic_load_relaxed (&cond->__data.__wrefs);
+  int private = __condvar_get_private (flags);
+  for (unsigned g = 0; g < 2; ++g)
+    {
+      while (true)
+	{
+	  /* Set the wake request flag.  We could also spin, but destruction that is
+	     concurrent with still-active waiters is probably neither common nor
+	     performance critical.  Acquire MO to synchronize with waiters confirming
+	     that they finished.  */
+	  unsigned r = atomic_fetch_or_acquire (cond->__data.__g_refs + g, 1) | 1;
+	  if (r == 1)
+	    break;
+	  futex_wait_simple (cond->__data.__g_refs + g, r, private);
+	}
+    }
+  /* Same as above, except to synchronize with canceled threads.  This wake
+     flag never gets cleared, so it's enough to set it once.  */
+  unsigned int wrefs = atomic_fetch_or_acquire (&cond->__data.__wrefs, 4) | 4;
   while (wrefs >> 3 != 0)
       futex_wait_simple (&cond->__data.__wrefs, wrefs, private);
-      /* See above.  */
       wrefs = atomic_load_acquire (&cond->__data.__wrefs);
   /* The memory the condvar occupies can now be reused.  */
diff --git a/nptl/pthread_cond_signal.c b/nptl/pthread_cond_signal.c
index 4281ad4d3b..0cd534cc40 100644
--- a/nptl/pthread_cond_signal.c
+++ b/nptl/pthread_cond_signal.c
@@ -39,10 +39,12 @@ __pthread_cond_signal (pthread_cond_t *cond)
   /* First check whether there are waiters.  Relaxed MO is fine for that for
      the same reasons that relaxed MO is fine when observing __wseq (see
      below).  */
-  unsigned int wrefs = atomic_load_relaxed (&cond->__data.__wrefs);
-  if (wrefs >> 3 == 0)
+  unsigned int grefs0 = atomic_load_relaxed (cond->__data.__g_refs);
+  unsigned int grefs1 = atomic_load_relaxed (cond->__data.__g_refs + 1);
+  if ((grefs0 >> 1) == 0 && (grefs1 >> 1) == 0)
     return 0;
-  int private = __condvar_get_private (wrefs);
+  unsigned int flags = atomic_load_relaxed (&cond->__data.__wrefs);
+  int private = __condvar_get_private (flags);

   __condvar_acquire_lock (cond, private);

diff --git a/nptl/pthread_cond_wait.c b/nptl/pthread_cond_wait.c
index 7b825f81df..0ee0247874 100644
--- a/nptl/pthread_cond_wait.c
+++ b/nptl/pthread_cond_wait.c
@@ -43,19 +43,6 @@ struct _condvar_cleanup_buffer

-/* Decrease the waiter reference count.  */
-static void
-__condvar_confirm_wakeup (pthread_cond_t *cond, int private)
-  /* If destruction is pending (i.e., the wake-request flag is nonzero) and we
-     are the last waiter (prior value of __wrefs was 1 << 3), then wake any
-     threads waiting in pthread_cond_destroy.  Release MO to synchronize with
-     these threads.  Don't bother clearing the wake-up request flag.  */
-  if ((atomic_fetch_add_release (&cond->__data.__wrefs, -8) >> 2) == 3)
-    futex_wake (&cond->__data.__wrefs, INT_MAX, private);
 /* Cancel waiting after having registered as a waiter previously.  SEQ is our
    position and G is our group index.
    The goal of cancellation is to make our group smaller if that is still
@@ -81,7 +68,7 @@ __condvar_cancel_waiting (pthread_cond_t *cond, uint64_t seq, unsigned int g,
   bool consumed_signal = false;

-  /* No deadlock with group switching is possible here because we have do
+  /* No deadlock with group switching is possible here because we do
      not hold a reference on the group.  */
   __condvar_acquire_lock (cond, private);

@@ -172,6 +159,14 @@ __condvar_cleanup_waiting (void *arg)
   pthread_cond_t *cond = cbuffer->cond;
   unsigned g = cbuffer->wseq & 1;

+  /* Normally we are not allowed to touch cond any more after calling
+     __condvar_dec_grefs, because pthread_cond_destroy looks at __g_refs to
+     determine when all waiters have woken. Since we will do more work in this
+     function, we are using an extra channel to communicate to
+     pthread_cond_destroy that it is not allowed to finish yet: We increment
+     the fourth bit on __wrefs. Relaxed MO is enough. The synchronization
+     happens because __condvar_dec_grefs uses release MO. */
+  atomic_fetch_add_relaxed (&cond->__data.__wrefs, 8);
   __condvar_dec_grefs (cond, g, cbuffer->private);

   __condvar_cancel_waiting (cond, cbuffer->wseq >> 1, g, cbuffer->private);
@@ -183,7 +178,12 @@ __condvar_cleanup_waiting (void *arg)
      conservatively.  */
   futex_wake (cond->__data.__g_signals + g, 1, cbuffer->private);

-  __condvar_confirm_wakeup (cond, cbuffer->private);
+  /* If destruction is pending (i.e., the wake-request flag is nonzero) and we
+     are the last waiter (prior value of __wrefs was 1 << 3), then wake any
+     threads waiting in pthread_cond_destroy.  Release MO to synchronize with
+     these threads.  Don't bother clearing the wake-up request flag.  */
+  if ((atomic_fetch_add_release (&cond->__data.__wrefs, -8) >> 2) == 3)
+    futex_wake (&cond->__data.__wrefs, INT_MAX, cbuffer->private);

   /* XXX If locking the mutex fails, should we just stop execution?  This
      might be better than silently ignoring the error.  */
@@ -287,20 +287,21 @@ __condvar_cleanup_waiting (void *arg)
    __g1_orig_size: Initial size of G1
      * The two least-significant bits represent the condvar-internal lock.
      * Only accessed while having acquired the condvar-internal lock.
-   __wrefs: Waiter reference counter.
+   __wrefs: Flags and count of waiters who called pthread_cancel.
      * Bit 2 is true if waiters should run futex_wake when they remove the
        last reference.  pthread_cond_destroy uses this as futex word.
      * Bit 1 is the clock ID (0 == CLOCK_REALTIME, 1 == CLOCK_MONOTONIC).
      * Bit 0 is true iff this is a process-shared condvar.
-     * Simple reference count used by both waiters and pthread_cond_destroy.
-     (If the format of __wrefs is changed, update nptl_lock_constants.pysym
-      and the pretty printers.)
+     * Simple reference count used by __condvar_cleanup_waiting and pthread_cond_destroy.
+     (If the format of __wrefs is changed, update the pretty printers.)
    For each of the two groups, we have:
    __g_refs: Futex waiter reference count.
      * LSB is true if waiters should run futex_wake when they remove the
        last reference.
      * Reference count used by waiters concurrently with signalers that have
        acquired the condvar-internal lock.
+     (If the format of __g_refs is changed, update nptl_lock_constants.pysym
+      and the pretty printers.)
    __g_signals: The number of signals that can still be consumed.
      * Used as a futex word by waiters.  Used concurrently by waiters and
@@ -409,9 +410,7 @@ __pthread_cond_wait_common (pthread_cond_t *cond, pthread_mutex_t *mutex,
      synchronize with the dummy read-modify-write in
      __condvar_quiesce_and_switch_g1 if we read from that.  */
   atomic_fetch_add_acquire (cond->__data.__g_refs + g, 2);
-  /* Increase the waiter reference count.  Relaxed MO is sufficient because
-     we only need to synchronize when decrementing the reference count.  */
-  unsigned int flags = atomic_fetch_add_relaxed (&cond->__data.__wrefs, 8);
+  unsigned int flags = atomic_load_relaxed (&cond->__data.__wrefs);
   int private = __condvar_get_private (flags);

   /* Now that we are registered as a waiter, we can release the mutex.
@@ -425,7 +424,6 @@ __pthread_cond_wait_common (pthread_cond_t *cond, pthread_mutex_t *mutex,
   if (__glibc_unlikely (err != 0))
       __condvar_cancel_waiting (cond, seq, g, private);
-      __condvar_confirm_wakeup (cond, private);
       __condvar_dec_grefs (cond, g, private);
       return err;
@@ -530,7 +528,6 @@ __pthread_cond_wait_common (pthread_cond_t *cond, pthread_mutex_t *mutex,
   /* Confirm that we have been woken.  We do that before acquiring the mutex
      to allow for execution of pthread_cond_destroy while having acquired the
      mutex.  */
-  __condvar_confirm_wakeup (cond, private);
   __condvar_dec_grefs (cond, g, private);

   /* Woken up; now re-acquire the mutex.  If this doesn't fail, return RESULT,

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