I encountered a bug updating Glibc

CGCL_何卓 1490919302@qq.com
Wed Dec 2 07:37:42 GMT 2020

Hello,I updated from glibc2.17 to glibc2.28 on centos6, I downloaded the glibc.*rpm and the glibc-common.*rpm installation package. After I installed Glibc-2.28-101.el8.x86_64.rpm with command that "sudo rpm -Uvh glibc-2.28-101.el8.x86_64.rpm --force --nodeps", I found that the two packages needed to be installed together. But I can't use the sudo command now, and it shows that I'm missing libcrypt.so.1. I was also unable to continue installing Glibc-common.*rpm , which requires a sudo command. I also failed to reboot my server, and the reboot command failed. What should I do, please

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