[PATCH 1/2][RFC] #17645, fix slow DSO sorting behavior in dynamic loader
Chung-Lin Tang
Thu Jul 25 18:46:00 GMT 2019
On 2019/7/23 9:21 PM, Florian Weimer wrote:
> Is => intended to cover the case of run-time dependencies added late due
> to lazy binding?
> Currently, those late dependencies have two effects, I think: They keep
> around the referenced libraries longer than before (so that dlclose
> would not remove an object which is still in used solely due to lazy
> binding). And the ELF destructors are reordered to reflect these added
> run-time dependencies.
Yes, you can test that. The effect of => is to create a caller/callee relation
between objects: 'x=>y' creates fn_x() and fn_y() in those two DSOs,
and fn_x() has a call to fn_y().
Though that's the only immediate effect that => has. To construct a test of
run-time added dependencies related to dlopen/etc. you also need to add those
operations inside the '{}' construct.
All the created DSOs have a constructor/destructor that outputs their single
character name. The generated main() program prints '[]' brackets after
dlopen/dlclose calls to separate out the following constructor/destructor output.
So taken whole, the entire output string should capture all constructor/destructor
activity and ordering behavior.
> Can your test framework test both cases? What's your position on the
> second effect? I think it sometimes results in destructors running not
> in the opposite order of constructors, due to the new topological sort.
> (This also happens with the current implementation.)
What I did in the ld.so code patch was add a second pass of sorting that ignores
runtime deps, prioritizing link dependencies; this appears to also be what prior
discussion pointed towards, see more details in that 2nd email with the actual
code patch.
I have attached an updated patch here; fixed some bugs in the script related to
the '@' operator for the main program construct.
-------------- next part --------------
diff --git a/elf/Makefile b/elf/Makefile
index a3eefd1..1c4e941 100644
--- a/elf/Makefile
+++ b/elf/Makefile
@@ -383,6 +383,48 @@ tests-special += $(objpfx)order-cmp.out $(objpfx)tst-array1-cmp.out \
+# DSO sorting tests:
+# The dso-ordering-test.py script generates testcase source files in $(objpfx),
+# and outputs Makefile fragments for use here. However because normal output
+# from $(shell ..) has newlines changed into spaces, we have to save it to a
+# temporary file and then include it. We wrap this entire testcase construction
+# into a function here to make things more convenient.
+define test_dso_ordering
+$(shell $(PYTHON) $(..)scripts/dso-ordering-test.py \
+ $(2) $(1) $(objpfx) > $(objpfx)$(1).tmp-makefile)
+$(shell echo $(3) > $(objpfx)$(1).exp)
+include $(objpfx)$(1).tmp-makefile
+# Individual DSO sorting tests. The test description and expected output for
+# each test is specified directly here. See the source of dso-ordering-test.py
+# for documentation on this.
+# Note that we need to create the $(objpfx) directory here immediately to hold
+# the generated source files and Makefile fragments.
+$(shell mkdir -p $(objpfx))
+$(eval $(call test_dso_ordering,tst-dso-ordering1,'a->b->c','cba{}abc'))
+$(eval $(call test_dso_ordering,tst-dso-ordering2,\
+ 'a->b->[cd]->e','edcba{}abcde'))
+$(eval $(call test_dso_ordering,tst-dso-ordering3,\
+ 'a->[bc]->[def]->[gh]->i','ihgfedcba{}abcdefghi'))
+$(eval $(call test_dso_ordering,tst-dso-ordering4,\
+ 'a->b->[de];a->c->d->e','edcba{}abcde'))
+$(eval $(call test_dso_ordering,tst-dso-ordering5,\
+ 'a->[bc]->d;b->c','dcba{}abcd'))
+$(eval $(call test_dso_ordering,tst-dso-ordering6,\
+ 'a->[bcde]->f','fedcba{}abcdef'))
+$(eval $(call test_dso_ordering,tst-dso-ordering7,\
+ 'a->[bc];b->[cde];e->f','fedcba{}abcdef'))
+$(eval $(call test_dso_ordering,tst-dso-ordering8,\
+ 'a->b->c=>a;{}->[ba]','cba{}abc'))
+$(eval $(call test_dso_ordering,tst-dso-ordering9,\
+ 'a->b->c->d->e;{}!->[abcde]','edcba{}abcde'))
+# From BZ #15311
+$(eval $(call test_dso_ordering,tst-bz15311,\
check-abi: $(objpfx)check-abi-ld.out
tests-special += $(objpfx)check-abi-ld.out
update-abi: update-abi-ld
diff --git a/scripts/dso-ordering-test.py b/scripts/dso-ordering-test.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a494ba2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/dso-ordering-test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,556 @@
+# Generate testcase files and Makefile fragments for DSO sorting test
+# Copyright (C) 2019 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# This file is part of the GNU C Library.
+# The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
+# <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+"""Generate testcase files and Makefile fragments for DSO sorting test
+This script takes a semicolon-separated description string, and generates
+a testcase, including main program and associated modules, and Makefile
+fragments for including into elf/Makefile.
+This is intended to speed up complex dynamic linker testcase construction,
+therefore features are largely mechanical in nature; inconsistencies or
+errors may occur if input case was itself erroronous or have
+unforeseen interactions.
+On the description language used, as an example description string:
+ a->b!->[cdef];c=>g=>h;{+c;%c;-c}->a
+Each single alphabet character represents a shared object module (currently
+[a-zA-Z0-9] are allowed, case-sensitive)
+All such shared objects have a constructor/destructor generated for them
+that emits its single character name by putchar().
+The -> operator specifies a link time dependency, these can be chained for
+convenience (e.g. a->b->c->d).
+The => operator creates a call-reference, e.g. for a=>b, an fn_a() function
+is created inside module 'a', which calls fn_b() in module 'b'.
+These module functions emit '<name>' output in nested form,
+e.g. a=>b emits '<a<b>>'
+Square brackets [] in the description specifies multiple objects;
+e.g. a->[bcd]->e is equivalent to a->b->e;a->c->e;a->d->e
+A {} construct specifies the main test program, and its link dependencies
+are also specified using ->. Inside {}, a few ;-seperated constructs are
+ +a Loads module a using dlopen(RTLD_LAZY|RTLD_GLOBAL)
+ :a Loads module a using dlopen(RTLD_LAZY)
+ %a Use dlsym() to load and call fn_a()
+ @a Calls fn_a() directly.
+ -a Unloads module a using dlclose()
+The generated main program outputs '{' '}' with all output from above
+constructs in between. The other output before/after {} are the ordered
+constructor/destructor output.
+If no {} construct is present, a default empty main program is linked
+against all objects which have no dependency linked to it. e.g. for
+'[ab]->c;d->e', the default main program is equivalent to '{}->[abd]'
+The '!' operator after object names turns on permutation of its
+dependencies, e.g. while a->[bcd] only generates one set of objects,
+with 'a.so' built with a link line of "b.so c.so d.so", for a!->[bcd]
+permutations of a's dependencies creates multiple testcases with
+different link line orders: "b.so c.so d.so", "c.so b.so d.so",
+"b.so d.so c.so", etc. Note that for a <test-name> specified on
+the script command-line, multiple <test-name_1>, <test-name_2>, etc.
+tests will be generated (e.g. for a!->[bc]!->[de], eight tests with
+different link orders for a, b, and c will be generated)
+import re
+import os
+import subprocess
+import argparse
+from collections import OrderedDict
+import itertools
+# BUILD_GCC is only used under the --build option,
+# which builds the generated testcase, including DSOs using BUILD_GCC.
+# Mainly for testing purposes, especially debugging of this script,
+# and can be changed here to another toolchain path if needed.
+build_gcc = "gcc"
+parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+ help="Description string of DSO dependency test to be "
+ "generated (see script source for documentation of "
+ "description language)")
+parser.add_argument("test_name", help="Identifier for testcase being "
+ "generated")
+ help="Path to place generated files, defaults to "
+ "current directory if none specified",
+ nargs="?", default="./")
+parser.add_argument("--build", help="After C testcase generated, build it "
+ "using gcc (for manual testing purposes)",
+ action="store_true")
+parser.add_argument("--debug-output", help="Prints some internal data "
+ "structures; used for debugging of this script",
+ action="store_true")
+cmdlineargs = parser.parse_args()
+base_test_name = cmdlineargs.test_name
+test_name = cmdlineargs.test_name
+objpfx = cmdlineargs.objpfx
+obj_deps = OrderedDict()
+obj_callrefs = OrderedDict()
+all_objs = []
+curr_objs = []
+obj_dep_permutations = OrderedDict()
+# Add 'object -> [object, object, ...]' relations to CURR_MAP
+def add_deps (src_objs, dst_objs, curr_map):
+ for src in src_objs:
+ for dst in dst_objs:
+ if not src in curr_map:
+ curr_map[src] = []
+ if not dst in curr_map[src]:
+ curr_map[src].append (dst)
+# For inside the {} construct
+main_program = []
+main_program_needs_ldl = False
+main_program_default_deps = True
+def process_main_program (mainprog_str):
+ global main_program
+ global main_program_needs_ldl
+ global main_program_default_deps
+ if mainprog_str:
+ main_program = mainprog_str.split (';')
+ for s in main_program:
+ m = re.match (r"^([+\-%:@])([0-9a-zA-Z]+)$", s)
+ if not m: print ("'%s'" % (s))
+ assert (m)
+ # Determined the main program needs libdl
+ main_program_needs_ldl = True
+ if len(m.group(2)) > 1:
+ print ("Error: only single character object names allowed, "
+ + "'%s' is invalid" % (m.group(1)))
+ exit -1
+ obj = m.group(2)
+ if not obj in all_objs:
+ all_objs.append (obj)
+ if m.group(1) == '%' or m.group(1) == '@':
+ add_deps (['#'], [obj], obj_callrefs)
+ # We have a main program specified, turn this off
+ main_program_default_deps = False
+# Lexer for tokens
+tokenspec = [ ("OBJ", r"([0-9a-zA-Z]+)"),
+ ("DEP", r"->"),
+ ("CALLREF", r"=>"),
+ ("OBJSET", r"\[([0-9a-zA-Z]+)\]"),
+ ("PROG", r"{([0-9a-zA-Z;+:\-%@]*)}"),
+ ("PERMUTE", r"!"),
+ ("SEMICOL", r";"),
+ ("ERROR", r".") ]
+tok_re = '|'.join('(?P<%s>%s)' % pair for pair in tokenspec)
+# State used when parsing dependencies
+in_dep = False
+in_callref = False
+def clear_dep_state ():
+ global in_dep, in_callref
+ in_dep = in_callref = False
+# Main parser
+for m in re.finditer(tok_re, cmdlineargs.description):
+ kind = m.lastgroup
+ value = m.group ()
+ if kind == "OBJ":
+ if len (value) > 1:
+ print ("Error: only single character object names allowed, "
+ + "'%s' is invalid" % (value))
+ exit (-1)
+ if in_dep:
+ add_deps (curr_objs, [value], obj_deps)
+ elif in_callref:
+ add_deps (curr_objs, [value], obj_callrefs)
+ clear_dep_state ()
+ curr_objs = [value]
+ if not value in all_objs:
+ all_objs.append (value)
+ elif kind == "OBJSET":
+ objset = value[1:len(value)-1]
+ if in_dep:
+ add_deps (curr_objs, list (objset), obj_deps)
+ elif in_callref:
+ add_deps (curr_objs, list (objset), obj_callrefs)
+ clear_dep_state ()
+ curr_objs = list (objset)
+ for o in list (objset):
+ if not o in all_objs:
+ all_objs.append (o)
+ elif kind == "PERMUTE":
+ if in_dep or in_callref:
+ print ("Error: syntax error, permute operation invalid here")
+ exit -1
+ if not curr_objs:
+ print ("Error: syntax error, no objects to permute here")
+ exit -1
+ for obj in curr_objs:
+ if not obj in obj_dep_permutations:
+ # Signal this object has permutated dependencies
+ obj_dep_permutations[obj] = []
+ elif kind == "PROG":
+ if main_program:
+ print ("Error: cannot have more than one main program")
+ exit (-1)
+ if in_dep:
+ print ("Error: objects cannot have dependency on main program")
+ exit (-1)
+ if in_callref:
+ add_deps (curr_objs, ["#"], obj_callrefs)
+ process_main_program (value[1:len(value)-1])
+ clear_dep_state ()
+ curr_objs = ["#"]
+ elif kind == "DEP":
+ if in_dep or in_callref:
+ print ("Error: syntax error, multiple contiguous ->,=> operations")
+ exit -1
+ in_dep = True
+ elif kind == "CALLREF":
+ if in_dep or in_callref:
+ print ("Error: syntax error, multiple contiguous ->,=> operations")
+ exit -1
+ in_callref = True
+ elif kind == "SEMICOL":
+ curr_objs = []
+ clear_dep_state ()
+ else:
+ print ("Error: unknown token '%s'" % (value))
+ exit (-1)
+def find_objs_not_depended_on ():
+ global all_objs, obj_deps
+ objs_not_depended_on = []
+ for obj in all_objs:
+ skip = False
+ for r in obj_deps.items():
+ if obj in r[1]:
+ skip = True
+ break
+ if not skip:
+ objs_not_depended_on.append (obj)
+ return objs_not_depended_on
+# If no main program was specified in dependency description, make a
+# default main program with deps pointing to all DSOs which are not
+# depended by another DSO.
+if main_program_default_deps:
+ main_deps = find_objs_not_depended_on ()
+ # main_deps = []
+ # for o in all_objs:
+ # skip = False
+ # for r in obj_deps.items():
+ # if o in r[1]:
+ # skip = True
+ # break
+ # if skip:
+ # continue
+ # main_deps.append (o)
+ add_deps (["#"], main_deps, obj_deps)
+# Debug output
+if cmdlineargs.debug_output:
+ print ("All objects: %s" % (all_objs))
+ print ("--- Static link dependencies ---")
+ for r in obj_deps.items():
+ print ("%s -> %s" % (r[0], r[1]))
+ print ("--- Objects whose dependencies are to be permutated ---")
+ for r in obj_dep_permutations.items():
+ print ("%s" % (r[0]))
+ #print (obj_dep_permutations)
+ print ("--- Call reference dependencies ---")
+ for r in obj_callrefs.items():
+ print ("%s => %s" % (r[0], r[1]))
+ print ("--- main program ---")
+ print (main_program)
+# Main testcase processing routine, does Makefile fragment generation,
+# testcase source generation, and if --build specified builds testcase.
+def process_testcase (test_name):
+ global objpfx, all_objs, obj_deps, obj_callrefs
+ global base_test_name, main_program, main_program_needs_ldl
+ # Print out needed Makefile fragments for use in glibc/elf/Makefile.
+ #if makefile:
+ print ("ifeq (yes,$(build-shared))")
+ t = ""
+ for o in all_objs:
+ t += " " + test_name + "-" + o
+ print ("modules-names +=%s" % (t))
+ print ("tests += %s" % (test_name))
+ # Print direct link dependencies for each DSO
+ for obj in all_objs:
+ if obj in obj_deps:
+ dso = test_name + "-" + obj + ".so"
+ depstr = ""
+ for dep in obj_deps[obj]:
+ depstr += " $(objpfx)" + test_name + "-" + dep + ".so"
+ print ("$(objpfx)%s:%s" % (dso, depstr))
+ # Print LDFLAGS-* and *-no-z-defs
+ for o in all_objs:
+ dso = test_name + "-" + o + ".so"
+ print ("LDFLAGS-%s = $(no-as-needed)" % (dso))
+ if o in obj_callrefs:
+ print ("%s-no-z-defs = yes" % (dso))
+ # Print dependencies for main test program
+ depstr = ""
+ if '#' in obj_deps:
+ for o in obj_deps['#']:
+ depstr += " $(objpfx)" + test_name + "-" + o + ".so"
+ if main_program_needs_ldl:
+ depstr += " $(libdl)"
+ print ("$(objpfx)%s:%s" % (test_name, depstr))
+ print ("LDFLAGS-%s = $(no-as-needed)" % (test_name))
+ not_depended_objs = find_objs_not_depended_on ()
+ if not_depended_objs:
+ depstr = ""
+ for dep in not_depended_objs:
+ depstr += " $(objpfx)" + test_name + "-" + dep + ".so"
+ print ("$(objpfx)%s.out:%s" % (test_name, depstr))
+ # Note this is compared with the "base" <test_name>.exp, not
+ # <test_name>_<N> with permutation index
+ print ("$(objpfx)%s-cmp.out: $(objpfx)%s.exp $(objpfx)%s.out"
+ % (test_name, base_test_name, test_name))
+ print ("\tdiff -wu $^ > $@; $(evaluate-test)")
+ print ("endif")
+ print ("ifeq ($(run-built-tests),yes)")
+ print ("tests-special += $(objpfx)%s-cmp.out" % (test_name))
+ print ("endif")
+ # Generate C files according to dependency and calling relations from
+ # description string.
+ for obj in all_objs:
+ src_name = test_name + "-" + obj + ".c"
+ f = open (objpfx + src_name, "w")
+ if obj in obj_callrefs:
+ called_objs = obj_callrefs[obj]
+ for callee in called_objs:
+ f.write ("extern void fn_%s (void);\n" % (callee))
+ f.write ("extern int putchar(int);\n")
+ f.write ("static void __attribute__((constructor)) " +
+ "init(void){putchar('%s');}\n" % (obj))
+ f.write ("static void __attribute__((destructor)) " +
+ "fini(void){putchar('%s');}\n" % (obj))
+ if obj in obj_callrefs:
+ called_objs = obj_callrefs[obj]
+ f.write ("void fn_%s (void) {\n" % (obj))
+ f.write (" putchar ('<');\n");
+ f.write (" putchar ('%s');\n" % (obj));
+ for callee in called_objs:
+ f.write (" fn_%s ();\n" % (callee))
+ f.write (" putchar ('>');\n");
+ f.write ("}\n")
+ else:
+ for callref in obj_callrefs.items():
+ if obj in callref[1]:
+ f.write ("void fn_%s (void) {\n" % (obj))
+ f.write (" putchar ('<');\n");
+ f.write (" putchar ('%s');\n" % (obj));
+ f.write (" putchar ('>');\n");
+ f.write ("}\n")
+ break
+ f.close ()
+ # Open C file for writing
+ f = open (objpfx + test_name + ".c", "w")
+ # if there are some operations in main(), it means we need -ldl
+ if main_program_needs_ldl:
+ f.write ("#include <dlfcn.h>\n")
+ f.write ("#include <stdio.h>\n")
+ f.write ("#include <stdlib.h>\n")
+ for s in main_program:
+ if s[0] == '@':
+ f.write ("extern void fn_%s (void);\n" % (s[1]));
+ f.write ("int main (void) {\n")
+ f.write (" putchar('{');\n")
+ # Helper routine for sanity check code
+ def put_fail_check (fail_cond, action_desc):
+ f.write (' if (%s) { printf ("\\n%s failed: %%s\\n", '
+ 'dlerror ()); exit (1);}\n' % (fail_cond, action_desc))
+ i = 0
+ while i < len(main_program):
+ s = main_program[i]
+ obj = s[len(s)-1]
+ dso = test_name + "-" + obj
+ if s[0] == '+' or s[0] == ':':
+ if s[0] == '+':
+ dlopen_flags = "RTLD_LAZY|RTLD_GLOBAL"
+ f.write (" putchar('+');\n");
+ else:
+ dlopen_flags = "RTLD_LAZY"
+ f.write (" putchar(':');\n");
+ f.write (" putchar('%s');\n" % (obj));
+ f.write (" putchar('[');\n");
+ f.write (' void *%s = dlopen ("%s.so", %s);\n'
+ % (obj, dso, dlopen_flags))
+ put_fail_check ("!%s" % (obj),
+ "%s.so dlopen" % (dso))
+ f.write (" putchar(']');\n");
+ elif s[0] == '-':
+ f.write (" putchar('-');\n");
+ f.write (" putchar('%s');\n" % (obj));
+ f.write (" putchar('[');\n");
+ put_fail_check ("dlclose (%s) != 0" % (obj),
+ "%s.so dlclose" % (dso))
+ f.write (" putchar(']');\n");
+ elif s[0] == '%':
+ f.write (' void (*fn_%s)(void) = dlsym (%s, "fn_%s");\n'
+ % (obj, obj, obj))
+ put_fail_check ("!fn_%s" % (obj),
+ "dlsym(fn_%s) from %s.so" % (obj, dso))
+ f.write (" fn_%s ();\n" % (obj))
+ elif s[0] == '@':
+ f.write (" fn_%s ();\n" % (obj))
+ f.write (" putchar(';');\n");
+ i += 1
+ f.write (" putchar('}');\n")
+ f.write (" return 0;\n")
+ f.write ("}\n")
+ f.close ()
+ # Helper routine to run a shell command, for running GCC below
+ def run_cmd (args):
+ if cmdlineargs.debug_output:
+ print (str.join (' ', args))
+ p = subprocess.Popen (args)
+ p.wait ()
+ if p.returncode != 0:
+ print ("Error running: %s" % (str.join (' ', args)))
+ exit -1
+ # Depth-first traversal, executing FN(OBJ) in post-order
+ obj_visited = {}
+ def dfs (obj, fn):
+ if obj in obj_visited:
+ return
+ obj_visited[obj] = True
+ if obj in obj_deps:
+ for dep in obj_deps[obj]:
+ dfs (dep, fn)
+ fn (obj)
+ # Function to create <test_name>-<obj>.so
+ def build_dso (obj):
+ obj_name = test_name + "-" + obj + ".os"
+ dso_name = test_name + "-" + obj + ".so"
+ deps = []
+ if obj in obj_deps:
+ deps = obj_deps[obj]
+ dso_deps = map (lambda d: objpfx + test_name + "-" + d + ".so", deps)
+ cmd = ([build_gcc, "-shared", "-o", objpfx + dso_name,
+ objpfx + obj_name, "-Wl,--no-as-needed"] + list(dso_deps))
+ run_cmd (cmd)
+ # --build option processing: build generated sources using 'build_gcc'
+ if cmdlineargs.build:
+ # Compile individual .os files
+ for obj in all_objs:
+ src_name = test_name + "-" + obj + ".c"
+ obj_name = test_name + "-" + obj + ".os"
+ run_cmd ([build_gcc, "-c", "-fPIC", objpfx + src_name,
+ "-o", objpfx + obj_name])
+ # Build all DSOs, this needs to be in topological dependency order,
+ # or link will fail
+ for obj in all_objs:
+ dfs (obj, build_dso)
+ # Build main program
+ deps = []
+ if '#' in obj_deps:
+ deps = obj_deps['#']
+ main_deps = map (lambda d: objpfx + test_name + "-" + d + ".so", deps)
+ cmd = ([build_gcc, "-Wl,--no-as-needed", "-o", objpfx + test_name,
+ objpfx + test_name + ".c", "-L%s" % (os.getcwd ()),
+ "-Wl,-rpath-link=%s" % (os.getcwd ())]
+ + list (main_deps))
+ if main_program_needs_ldl:
+ cmd += ["-ldl"]
+ run_cmd (cmd)
+# Check if we need to enumerate permutations of dependencies
+need_permutation_processing = False
+if obj_dep_permutations:
+ # Adjust obj_dep_permutations into map of object -> dependency permutations
+ for r in obj_dep_permutations.items():
+ obj = r[0]
+ if obj in obj_deps and len(obj_deps[obj]) > 1:
+ deps = obj_deps[obj]
+ obj_dep_permutations[obj] = list (itertools.permutations (deps))
+ need_permutation_processing = True
+test_subindex = 1
+curr_perms = []
+def enum_permutations (perm_list):
+ global test_name, obj_deps, test_subindex, curr_perms
+ if len(perm_list) >= 1:
+ curr = perm_list[0]
+ obj = curr[0]
+ perms = curr[1]
+ if not perms:
+ # This may be an empty list if no multiple dependencies to permute
+ # were found, skip to next in this case
+ enum_permutations (perm_list[1:])
+ else:
+ for deps in perms:
+ obj_deps[obj] = deps
+ permstr = "" if obj == "#" else obj + "_"
+ permstr += str.join ('', deps)
+ curr_perms.append (permstr)
+ enum_permutations (perm_list[1:])
+ curr_perms = curr_perms[0:len(curr_perms)-1]
+ else:
+ # obj_deps is now instantiated with one dependency order permutation
+ # (across all objects that have multiple permutations)
+ # Now process a testcase
+ #if not os.path.exists (objpfx + base_test_name+ "-permutations/"):
+ # os.mkdir (objpfx + base_test_name+ "-permutations/")
+ process_testcase (base_test_name + "_" + str (test_subindex)
+ + "-" + str.join ('-', curr_perms))
+ test_subindex += 1
+if need_permutation_processing:
+ enum_permutations (list (obj_dep_permutations.items()))
+ # We have no permutations to enumerate, just process testcase normally
+ process_testcase (test_name)
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