[PATCH] Linux: Add <sys/direntries.h>

Adhemerval Zanella adhemerval.zanella@linaro.org
Mon Jul 8 18:24:00 GMT 2019

On 08/07/2019 12:44, Florian Weimer wrote:
> * Adhemerval Zanella:
>> Probably not many, even now you see on debian sparc maillist programs
>> that raise alignment issue due sparc restrictions. But masking wrong C
>> usage is not intention of such interfaces.
> I think code that's difficult to implement in a portable fashion may
> have a place in glibc, particularly if it is closely related to a glibc
> or kernel interface.

But we do have dirent functions exactly to abstract it. If user wants to
optimize by using more direct function, such as getdents, its usage are
very specific and the auxiliary functions, as the one you intend to provide,
are just guesses of what user might want.

>>> To support 64-bit directory offsets on 32-bit architectures, readdir and
>>> readdir64 must call malloc after all previous telldir call, to allocate
>>> space for the 64-to-32 mapping.  telldir cannot report failure and
>>> therefore cannot call malloc.  So extending opendir in this way looks
>>> rather problematic.
>> I think you meant seekdir instead of telldir.
> No, I meant telldir.  telldir needs space to store a new mapping if it
> is called (which we do not know beforehand).  We can preallocate a fixed
> number of entries (one is quite enough), but if telldir has been called,
> and *then* readdir is called, we need to make sure that we have space
> for another mapping if telldir is called again.
> This is the proper fix for bug 23960 and is what FreeBSD does.

Right, I see what you mean now. It was not clear you was referring to a
possible solution of the telldir/seekdir issues where there is an extra map 
between the fs d_off and the expected result long type for telldir. 

But even the FreeBSD solution is to assume the return value will hold
on 'long' return and allocate the new maps entries on a linked list
external to the buffer used for getdirentries.

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