ToT glibc build problem with ToT GCC
Jeff Law
Thu Aug 29 23:03:00 GMT 2019
On 8/29/19 1:53 PM, Martin Sebor wrote:
> On 8/29/19 1:17 PM, Carlos O'Donell wrote:
>> On 8/29/19 2:36 PM, Martin Sebor wrote:
>>> On 8/29/19 11:54 AM, Carlos O'Donell wrote:
>>>> On 8/29/19 1:28 PM, Martin Sebor wrote:
>>>>> A longer term solution is to replace the array with a suitably
>>>>> aligned char buffer and write the data into it, e.g., like this:
>>>>>     union {
>>>>>       struct charseq replace[2];
>>>>>       char buf[sizeof (struct charseq) * 2];
>>>>> Â Â Â Â }Â u;
>>>>>     u.replace[0].nbytes = 1;
>>>>>     const char s[] = "?";
>>>>>     memcpy (u.buf + offsetof (struct charseq, bytes), "?", 2);
>>>>> This is still iffy but it won't trigger an out-of-bounds warning.
>>>>> This code should still be flagged for the declaration of an object
>>>>> with an internal zero-length array, so that will need to be dealt
>>>>> with when such a warning is introduced (e.g., by suppressing
>>>>> the warning).
>>>> Why is this iffy? This is the kind of solution I was thinking of using.
>>>> The alternative is an entirely new type that has a non-zero-length
>>>> array that can be used for static object allocation like this, but then
>>>> you need to cast between them in a safe way?
>>> It's iffy because of the interior zero-length array.
>>> GCC accepts zero-length array members anywhere but it doesn't
>>> always avoid assuming their elements don't overlap other members.
>>> Some other compilers don't allow zero-length arrays in definitions
>>> where they're followed by another member or element of a larger
>>> array. I'd like to see GCC warn for such uses because of
>>> the overlapping problem.
>>> Martin
>>> PS For example, GCC folds the test below to false. Clang does
>>> the same with slightly different test cases.
>>> Â Â struct charseq replace[2];
>>> Â Â void f (int i)
>>> Â Â {
>>> Â Â Â Â int x = *replace[1].name;
>>> Â Â Â Â replace[0].bytes[i] = 0;
>>> Â Â Â Â if (x != *replace[1].name)
>>> Â Â Â Â Â Â __builtin_abort ();
>>> Â Â }
>> This static allocation is rare, it's the only one.
>> Is there a viable solution for a static allocation of a structure
>> that ends in a VLA?
> The static allocation isn't necessarily a problem. Defining arrays
> or members of structures with flexible array members (or zero-length
> arrays) in a way that allows overlapping is.
> The only viable alternative I can think of is to define replace as
> a char buffer:
> Â static _Alignas (struct charseq)
> Â unsigned char replace[sizeof (struct charseq[2])];
> Â memcpy (replace + offsetof (struct charseq, nbytes),
> Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â (int[]){ 1 }, sizeof (int));
> Â memcpy (replace + offsetof (struct charseq, bytes), "?", 2);
> This isn't pretty but it's close to strictly conforming. The only
> non-conforming part other than the zero-length member is that (if)
> the char array is later accessed as struct charseq. But that's so
> pervasive that it might as well be in the standard.
Couldn't we just drop the whole static initialization and do something like
static struct charseq *replace = NULL;
if (!replace)
replace = malloc (sizeof (struct charseq) + 2);
It leaks the chunk of memory though.
> Martin
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