[PATCH COMMITTED] Chinese locales: Set first_weekday to 2 (bug 24682).

Rafal Luzynski digitalfreak@lingonborough.com
Wed Aug 28 16:53:00 GMT 2019

24.08.2019 07:59 Florian Weimer <fw@deneb.enyo.de> wrote:
> * Rafal Luzynski:
> > I was going to push this patch just before 2.30 release but I forgot.
> > OK to backport to 2.30 branch?  Carlos, anybody?
> I think we rarely backport such changes, but it's still early in the
> 2.30 cycle, so it's probably okay.

I read this as "OK" to backport to 2.30 and indeed, my point was that
we are early in the 2.30 cycle.  I will backport soon, today or tomorrow.
I don't insist on the backport to earlier versions and I will not do it,
distributions are free to prepare their own patched version.



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