Re: Spelling of contributor names (was: [PATCH 03/12] Don’t use the argument to time)

Paul Eggert
Fri Aug 23 22:31:00 GMT 2019

Rafal Luzynski wrote:
> my name is misspelled here so please don't take it as a correct example.

Yes, sorry about that; as I mentioned privately, I got the wrong spelling by 
mistakenly lifting it from a web page about someone else who I thought was you 
but who spells their name with different accents.

> Now one more issue: do I assume correctly that this idea is limited only to
> Latin alphabets?

Yes, the glibc source code is in English so its text should use spelling 
preferred for an English-language audience. Although the audience can't grok 
names written in Cyrillic, Greek, Kanji, etc., it can grok Latin letters with 

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