mv stallman /dev/null

Torvald Riegel
Thu May 10 12:54:00 GMT 2018

On Wed, 2018-05-09 at 17:36 +0000,
> This discussion about abort joke is,at the very least, shameful.

Your statement, as is, potentially insults all participants of the
discussion.  That's probably not what you wanted to say.  (And
generally, no insults.)

> It's proved that GNU project is not a democracy and only Stallman's will can prevail.

There's no proof of that.

> If someone put "mv atheists hell" in mv manpage would Stallman like it? If a manpage had set brazil=sh*t, would Oliva like it?

Personal attacks have no place on this mailing list.  You can make
similar examples for the abstract point you try to make (which is, I
guess, that one can build inappropriate "jokes" that target any person)
without having to attack specific people.

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