[PATCH v2] Add reallocarray function.

Carlos O'Donell carlos@redhat.com
Tue Apr 18 15:50:00 GMT 2017

On 04/18/2017 10:28 AM, Dennis Wölfing wrote:
> On 18.04.2017 14:34, Carlos O'Donell wrote:
>> However, we have no such assignment that I can see for yourself.
> I have already assigned copyright for glibc to the FSF and got it back
> signed by the FSF.
> I will send you a copy of the signed copyright papers in a separate mail.
Thank you for proactively taking that step.

Your assignment is not yet on file with the FSF for me to review, this is
likely because your assignment was just recently completed last week.

However, given your assignment papers that makes it easy for the technical
review to continue.

My only remaining issue is that the works you present are based on Sonderfeld's
work, and should include his name in the ChangeLog to give credit for the basis
of the work.


2017-04-17  Dennis Wölfing  <denniswoelfing@gmx.de>
	    Rüdiger Sonderfeld  <ruediger@c-plusplus.de>

	* ...


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