[PATCH] [BZ 20628] make mallinfo saturating

DJ Delorie dj@redhat.com
Tue Sep 27 18:09:00 GMT 2016

The mallinfo() API is fixed as "int" even though on 64-bit systems,
where size_t is bigger than int, these can overflow.  The man pages
document this behavior.  The API cannot be changed.  However, this
patch changes the "returns incorrect values" case from overflowing to
saturation, so that the bogus values are easily spotted as 0x7fffffff
(INT_MAX in that case) instead of being an arbitrary (possibly
"reasonable") overflowed value.

A demonstration case is included in this email (and the bz, with
output), but as testing it requires at least 2 Gb of free memory, I
have not included a test case in the source tree at this time.

Built and tested with no new warnings or failures on both Fedora 20
and rawhide (no surprise, no tests test mallinfo()) on x86_64.

Man page change: After "However, because some internal bookkeeping
values may be of type long, the reported values may wrap around zero
and thus be inaccurate." add "In versions of glibc after X.YY, the
reported values will saturate at INT_MAX instead of overflowing."

Related BZs:
3973 - malloc_stats/struct mallinfo is not 64bits ready (WONTFIX)
5711 - mallinfo structure cannot hold 64 bit data (WONTFIX)

2016-09-27  DJ Delorie  <dj@delorie.com>

	[BZ #20628]
	* malloc/malloc.c (int_mallinfo): Use saturating add instead of
	overflow to collect statistics into a fixed "int" container.

-------------------- mallinfo-overflow-demo.c
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <malloc.h>

print_stats ()
  struct mallinfo m = mallinfo ();
  printf("Malloc stats...\n");
#define F(x) printf("%-8s 0x%08x %d\n", #x, m.x, m.x);

  int i;
  print_stats ();
  for (i=0; i<0x22345678; i++)
    malloc (0x10);
  print_stats ();

$ ./mallinfo-overflow-demo 
Malloc stats...
arena    0x00000000 0
uordblks 0x00000000 0
Malloc stats...
arena    0x468b0000 1183514624
uordblks 0x468acf00 1183502080

$ ~/tools/upstream/glibc.mallinfo.build/testrun.sh ./mallinfo-overflow-demo
Malloc stats...
arena    0x00000000 0
uordblks 0x00000000 0
Malloc stats...
arena    0x7fffffff 2147483647
uordblks 0x7fffffff 2147483647

diff --git a/malloc/malloc.c b/malloc/malloc.c
index ef04360..4f438ef 100644
--- a/malloc/malloc.c
+++ b/malloc/malloc.c
@@ -224,6 +224,7 @@
 #include <unistd.h>
 #include <stdio.h>    /* needed for malloc_stats */
 #include <errno.h>
+#include <limits.h>
 #include <shlib-compat.h>
@@ -4633,18 +4634,29 @@ int_mallinfo (mstate av, struct mallinfo *m)
-  m->smblks += nfastblocks;
-  m->ordblks += nblocks;
-  m->fordblks += avail;
-  m->uordblks += av->system_mem - avail;
-  m->arena += av->system_mem;
-  m->fsmblks += fastavail;
+/* Saturated add - add ADD to SUM.  If the result exceeds the range of
+   "int", set SUM to INT_MAX instead.  Assumes ADD and SUM are
+   positive.  The published ABI prevents us from bumping "int" to a
+   larger type.  */
+#define SAT_ADD(SUM, ADD) \
+/* Likewise, but assign ADD to SUM.  */
+#define SAT_SET(SUM, ADD) \
+  ({ SUM = ((INTERNAL_SIZE_T)(ADD) > INT_MAX) ? INT_MAX : (ADD); })
+  SAT_ADD (m->smblks, nfastblocks);
+  SAT_ADD (m->ordblks, nblocks);
+  SAT_ADD (m->fordblks, avail);
+  SAT_ADD (m->uordblks, av->system_mem - avail);
+  SAT_ADD (m->arena, av->system_mem);
+  SAT_ADD (m->fsmblks, fastavail);
   if (av == &main_arena)
-      m->hblks = mp_.n_mmaps;
-      m->hblkhd = mp_.mmapped_mem;
-      m->usmblks = 0;
-      m->keepcost = chunksize (av->top);
+      SAT_SET (m->hblks, mp_.n_mmaps);
+      SAT_SET (m->hblkhd, mp_.mmapped_mem);
+      SAT_SET (m->usmblks, 0);
+      SAT_SET (m->keepcost, chunksize (av->top));

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