buildbot is green!

Carlos O'Donell
Wed Sep 9 03:49:00 GMT 2015

On 09/08/2015 11:33 PM, Carlos O'Donell wrote:
>> One current nuisance I haven't figured out is that some of the runs
>> of 'make check' end with:
>> 	make[1]: *** [tests] Error 1
>> 	Makefile:9: recipe for target 'check' failed
>> 	make: *** [check] Error 2
>> but no summary output.  Someone could look into why that's
>> happening.  It might need a fix in the libc makefiles, or it might
>> just need a fix in the shell script in the buildbot repo that runs
>> the build.
> That's weird. I'll save a log if I see it.

LC_ALL=C readelf -W -d /mnt/b/glibc-ubuntu-trusty-slave2/glibc-i686-linux/build/build/rt/ > /mnt/b/glibc-ubuntu-trusty-slave2/glibc-i686-linux/build/build/rt/
test -s /mnt/b/glibc-ubuntu-trusty-slave2/glibc-i686-linux/build/build/rt/
mv -f /mnt/b/glibc-ubuntu-trusty-slave2/glibc-i686-linux/build/build/rt/ /mnt/b/glibc-ubuntu-trusty-slave2/glibc-i686-linux/build/build/rt/
make[1]: *** [tests] Error 1
make[1]: Target `check' not remade because of errors.
make[1]: Leaving directory `/mnt/b/glibc-ubuntu-trusty-slave2/glibc-i686-linux/build/glibc'
make: *** [check] Error 2
make: Leaving directory `/mnt/b/glibc-ubuntu-trusty-slave2/glibc-i686-linux/build/build'

Which is elf/Makefile:

 945 $(all-built-dso:=.dyn): %.dyn: %
 946         @rm -f $@T
 947         LC_ALL=C $(READELF) -W -d $< > $@T
 948         test -s $@T
 949         mv -f $@T $@

It looks like PARALLELMFLAGS is "" so this is -j1 output, my own logs
show interleaved output (I normally run -j4 or higher).

Therefore the failure was in the `mv`?

The slave looks like it's dead now though?
fatal: read error: Connection reset by peer
program finished with exit code 128

The x86_64 builder failed in a similar rule.

 972 $(all-built-dso:=.phdr): %.phdr: %
 973         @rm -f $@T
 974         LC_ALL=C $(READELF) -W -l $< > $@T
 975         test -s $@T
 976         mv -f $@T $@

Which is odd, unless it's the sequence of >, test, and mv that cause an fs-level
failure. We could run with -vf to get a verbose output?


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