[PING][RFC][PATCH] generic hp_timing

Maria Guseva m.guseva@samsung.com
Tue Sep 8 14:31:00 GMT 2015



>The attached patch is a draft implementation of generic timing: via
clock_gettime, vdso or system call, where available and via gettimeofday
function call otherwise.

>In order to eliminate performance impact in existing usages of
HP_TIMING_NOW  the HP_TIMING_AVAIL is still set to 0. The generic timing is
enabled only in DL_DEBUG_STATISTICS cases where performance is not critical.

>However I suggest it may be wrong and we can use at least vdso
clock_gettime as real HP_TIMING. And the rest probably shouldn't be even
considered as high-precision timers and should be moved from hp-timing
header to some new one. 

>The need of generic timing was discussed in "LD_DEBUG option to measure
init time" patch review:
>Proposed there new LD_DEBUG option needs HP_TIMING implementation to be
usable on Arm platform in particular.


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