[RFC 1/2] Add IFUNC support for MIPS (v5)
Joseph Myers
Thu Sep 3 22:09:00 GMT 2015
On Thu, 3 Sep 2015, Faraz Shahbazker wrote:
> glibc suite cross-tested on mips32 little endian, summary:
> 324 FAIL
> 1537 PASS
> All ifunc* tests are passing.
You should have far fewer than 324 FAILs. You'll need to fix whatever the
problem is with your test environment, or whatever has regressed since
2.22 release, in order to get meaningful results (similar to those
described at <https://sourceware.org/glibc/wiki/Release/2.22>, so maybe on
the order of 10 FAILs, but not much more). These results don't give any
confidence in the patch.
Has the binutils patch yet been checked in? Until the binutils patch is
checked in and the ABI settled there doesn't seem much point in detailed
review of the glibc changes.
Joseph S. Myers
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