[ANNOUNCE] The Linux Test Project has been released for SEPTEMBER 2015

Cyril Hrubis chrubis@suse.cz
Thu Sep 3 13:47:00 GMT 2015

Good news everyone,

the Linux Test Project test suite stable release for *September 2015*
has been released.

Since the last release 272 patches by 27 authors were merged.

Notable changes are:

* Network namespace testcases were rewritten from scratch

* New user namespaces testcases

* New testcases for various virtual network interfaces

* New umount2() testcases (for UMOUNT_NOFOLLOW, MNT_EXPIRE and MNT_DETACH flags)

* New open() testcase (for O_PATH flag)

* New getrandom() testcases

* New inotify, cpuset, futex_wake() and recvmsg() regression tests

+ The usual number of fixes and enhancements

The latest version of the test-suite contains 3000+ tests for the Linux
and can be downloaded at:


The project pages as well as GIT repository are hosted on GitHub:


If you ever wondered how to write a LTP testcase, don't miss our
(continuously updated) developer documentation at:


Patches, new tests, bugs, comments or questions should go to to our
mailing list at ltp-list@lists.sourceforge.net.

PS: We had numerous troubles with mailing list on sourceforge, if you are aware
    of good and free mailing list hosting service please let us know.

Cyril Hrubis

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