[PATCH]: Optimization for strpbrk on PowerPC

Adhemerval Zanella azanella@linux.vnet.ibm.com
Tue Mar 4 20:43:00 GMT 2014

On 03-03-2014 08:35, Adhemerval Zanella wrote:
> +EALIGN (strpbrk, 4, 0)
> +
> +	/* The idea to speed up the algorithm is to create a lookup table
> +	   for fast check if input character should be considered.  For ASCII
> +	   or ISO-8859-X character sets it has 256 positions.  */
> +	lbz	r10,0(r4)
> +
> +	/* First the table should be cleared and to avoid unaligned accesses
> +	   when using the VSX stores the table address is aligned to 16
> +	   bytes.  */
> +	xxlxor	v0,v0,v0
> +	addi	r9,r1,-272	/* Allocates ALIGN(256 + 15, 8) bytes  */

I realized that this stack allocation is not really align to 16, but rather allocation
256+16 bytes. Below it is a correct way to do it (I changed the patch for it):

@@ -33,7 +33,12 @@ EALIGN (strpbrk, 4, 0)
           when using the VSX stores the table address is aligned to 16
           bytes.  */
        xxlxor  v0,v0,v0
-       addi    r9,r1,-272      /* Allocates ALIGN(256 + 15, 8) bytes  */
+       /* PPC64 ELF ABI stack is aligned to 8 bytes, so allocates 264 bytes
+          (256 for the the table plus 8), and aligned it to 16 bytes.  */
+       addi    r9,r1,-264
+       rldicr  r9,r9,0,59
        li      r5,16
        li      r6,32
        li      r8,48

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