Consensus on MT-, AS- and AC-Safety docs.

Alexandre Oliva
Mon Nov 25 10:55:00 GMT 2013

On Nov 22, 2013, Torvald Riegel <> wrote:

> Thus, it will be in the context of full English sentences

Actually, no; the context of the keywords is supposed to be a one-line
“table” already containing such abbreviated English words as MT-Safe and
AC-Unsafe.  It's not running text in any way you look at it.

> Also, unless we (likely will) need to distinguish the two cases you
> mentioned, why do we need to make it more specific?

You mean distinguishing between a function setting the fenv and not
restoring it upon return, from its not setting up a cleanup handler to
restore it upon cancellation?  Well, I guess if we're going for
sacrificing precision for brevity we could just go for
floating-point-environment.  Or fenv.  Or something even less
descriptive of the issue...

Alexandre Oliva, freedom fighter
You must be the change you wish to see in the world. -- Gandhi
Be Free! --   FSF Latin America board member
Free Software Evangelist      Red Hat Brazil Compiler Engineer

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