Pre-release review of glibc 2.17: 0 P1 bugs, 14 P2 bugs, 0 P3 bugs.

Allan McRae
Thu Nov 29 21:10:00 GMT 2012

On 30/11/12 03:37, Jeff Law wrote:
> On 11/29/2012 09:50 AM, David Miller wrote:
>>> "assertion error in res_query.c"
>>> - Patch exists.
>>> - Insufficient review.
>> I think I could review this patch and that it would be worth trying to
>> get it into the release.
> FWIW, we've had the patch in Fedora since Feb.  Andreas checked in a
> patch which fixed one of the two asserts in that code a while back.
> However, there were still paths where the other assert could trigger.
> Nobody's been able to trigger with a publicly available name server to
> the best of my knowledge.

It is also been used in Arch for ages and I think most other distros
too.  While no-one can replicate on public DNS servers, everyone who did
report and issue seems to report it being fixed with this patch.

Also, the explanation provided with the patch makes sense to me...


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