[Patch] [BZ 13761] Fix another unbound alloca

Carlos O'Donell carlos@systemhalted.org
Thu Nov 29 14:53:00 GMT 2012

On Thu, Nov 29, 2012 at 2:29 AM, Jeff Law <law@redhat.com> wrote:
> On 11/29/2012 12:05 AM, Andreas Jaeger wrote:
>> On 11/28/2012 11:12 PM, Jeff Law wrote:
>>> To recap (from the BZ):
>>> nss_compat allocates buffer space on stack using alloca (and
>>> extend_alloca) for initgroup and keeps extending it to fit in larger
>>> lines. This breaks for cases where the number of members in a gorup
>>> are very large, causing the alloca reference to go beyond thread stack
>>> boundary.  Siddhesh partially fixed this problem a while back, this
>>> patch completes the fix.
>> This looks fine to me,
> Thanks.  David's call as to whether or not to pull this into 2.17; barring
> an explicit OK from him I'll hold off installing until after the tree is
> unfrozen.

Set the bug's milestone to 2.17 if you want it in 2.17.

I'll go through all of those milestone bugs to help Dave, and then
point him at the bugs.


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