travel and freeze...

David Miller
Thu Nov 22 20:37:00 GMT 2012

I'm traveling for a few days in Europe and will return next Tuesday
evening (Nov. 27th)

I will be reading and processing email for a few hours each day but
doing any significant development during this time is unlikely.

My plan is to freeze immediately on Weds Nov. 28th.  I really do
not want to move this date, so please do what you can to make sure
that this is something we don't need to consider.

I'd like to see Jeff Law's DoS fixes installed meanwhile, with
appropriate feedback integrated of course.

The aarch64 changes seem to have settled, so that is no longer a
dependency for the freeze.

If there is a freeze blocking issue please bring it up now so that we
can do what we can to sort it out by next Wednesday.


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