[PATCH] Update sparc ULPs.

Joseph S. Myers joseph@codesourcery.com
Mon Nov 19 16:30:00 GMT 2012

On Sun, 18 Nov 2012, David Miller wrote:

> But I'll try to take care of both boundary conditions while I'm here.
> This patch below is what I currently have, although I'm not so sure
> about the boundary points I picked.
> I know that the limiting factor is the multiplication of the largest
> terms that go into the polynomial computation.

For small arguments what's relevant is x - x^3/3 being indistinguishable 
from x (i.e. x^3/3 being less than 0.5ulp of x).  For large arguments it's 
pi/2 - 1/x being indistinguishable from pi/2.  So the cutoffs you chose 
seem reasonable in both cases.

Joseph S. Myers

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