ARM hard-float ABI: add ldconfig flag value

Steve McIntyre
Thu Aug 9 13:21:00 GMT 2012

On Thu, Aug 09, 2012 at 11:10:28AM +0000, Joseph S. Myers wrote:
>On Thu, 9 Aug 2012, Steve McIntyre wrote:
>> >Could you please point to a public statement from the ARM ABI maintainers 
>> >about the reservation of these values for the next ABI revision, and the 
>> >semantics being assigned to them?
>> There isn't one *yet*, we're waiting on your review before going
>> ahead. If you're happy with the approach here then we'll make that
>> happen ASAP.
>The approach of using ELF header flags and testing them in this way is 
>fine; as Roland notes some coding style fixes are needed in the patch 
>(e.g. spaces before the open parenthesis when calling a function-like 

OK, easily fixed. :-)

>I just think there should be an actual statement of the ABI before
>the patch goes in.  (Such a statement would include the values, the
>types of ELF files for which they may be used (I guess ET_EXEC and
>EY_DYN but not ET_REL) and the semantics of each value.)

ACK. I've forwarded that onto the ABI folks in ARM and they're working
on it. Actually formally publishing a new version of the ABI spec will
likely take a few weeks to go through the system, but hoping to get
some agreed wording and a commitment to publish out long before then.

Steve McIntyre                      
<> | Open source software for ARM SoCs

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