
Cyril Hrubis
Thu Oct 13 10:30:00 GMT 2011

> We are currently working on fixing the Open Posix Testsuite (which is
> part of the LTP). And while doing that we found one test that seems to
> be correct but fails every time.
> It could be found in LTP git on in
> testcases/open_posix_testsuite/conformance/interfaces/pthread_rwlock_rdlock/2-1.c
> Basically the test does:
> main thread:   -> obtain read lock
> writer thread: -> attempt to obtain write lock - block
> reader tread:  -> attempt to obtain read lock - succeeds. 
> And it expects the reader thread block, since another thread wants a
> write lock.
> Which seems to be correct assumption accordingly to POSIX. While digging
> deeper I've found that such behavior is undefined in Single Unix
> Specification.

Anybody any comments on this?

I'm perfectly fine if anybody proves me wrong ;).

Or if it turns out this is not supported on Linux.

Or with any other reasonable resolution.

Cyril Hrubis

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