[HURD PATCH 7/7] _hurd_exec_file_name: canonicalize filename
Jeremie Koenig
Wed Aug 17 19:53:00 GMT 2011
* hurd/hurdexec.c (_hurd_exec_file_name): Canonicalize filename.
hurd/hurdexec.c | 14 ++++++++++++--
1 files changed, 12 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
diff --git a/hurd/hurdexec.c b/hurd/hurdexec.c
index c2f45cf..4a69df4 100644
--- a/hurd/hurdexec.c
+++ b/hurd/hurdexec.c
@@ -47,46 +47,53 @@ link_warning (_hurd_exec,
/* Overlay TASK, executing FILE with arguments ARGV and environment ENVP.
If TASK == mach_task_self (), some ports are dealloc'd by the exec server.
ARGV and ENVP are terminated by NULL pointers. FILENAME is the path
(either absolute or relative) to FILE. Passing NULL, though possible,
should be avoided, since then the exec server may not know the path to
FILE if FILE is a script, and will then pass /dev/fd/N to the
interpreter. */
_hurd_exec_file_name (task_t task, file_t file, const char *filename,
char *const argv[], char *const envp[])
error_t err;
+ char *canonname;
char *args, *env;
size_t argslen, envlen;
int ints[INIT_INT_MAX];
mach_port_t ports[_hurd_nports];
struct hurd_userlink ulink_ports[_hurd_nports];
inline void free_port (unsigned int i)
_hurd_port_free (&_hurd_ports[i], &ulink_ports[i], ports[i]);
file_t *dtable;
unsigned int dtablesize, i;
struct hurd_port **dtable_cells;
struct hurd_userlink *ulink_dtable;
struct hurd_sigstate *ss;
mach_port_t *please_dealloc, *pdp;
int reauth = 0;
+ /* Canonicalize the filename for the sake of RPATH $ORIGIN substitution.
+ This is done here because we can't use __realpath from ld.so.
+ Also, realpath uses stat, which under fakeroot uses a socket, so we
+ must do this before _hurd_dtable_lock is acquired below. */
+ canonname = filename ? __realpath (filename, NULL) : NULL;
/* XXX needs to be hurdmalloc XXX */
if (argv == NULL)
args = NULL, argslen = 0;
else if (err = __argz_create (argv, &args, &argslen))
- return err;
+ goto outcanonname;
if (envp == NULL)
env = NULL, envlen = 0;
else if (err = __argz_create (envp, &env, &envlen))
goto outargs;
/* Load up the ports to give to the new program. */
for (i = 0; i < _hurd_nports; ++i)
if (i == INIT_PORT_PROC && task != __mach_task_self ())
/* This is another task, so we need to ask the proc server
for the right proc server port for it. */
if (err = __USEPORT (PROC, __proc_task2proc (port, task, &ports[i])))
@@ -373,33 +380,34 @@ _hurd_exec_file_name (task_t task, file_t file, const char *filename,
flags = 0;
/* PTRACE_TRACEME sets all bits in _hurdsig_traced, which is
propagated through exec by INIT_TRACEMASK, so this checks if
PTRACE_TRACEME has been called in this process in any of its
current or prior lives. */
if (__sigismember (&_hurdsig_traced, SIGKILL))
flags |= EXEC_SIGTRAP;
err = __file_exec_file_name (file, task, flags,
- filename ? filename : "",
+ canonname ?: filename ?: "",
args, argslen, env, envlen,
dtable, MACH_MSG_TYPE_COPY_SEND, dtablesize,
please_dealloc, pdp - please_dealloc,
task == __mach_task_self () ? 1 : 0);
/* Fall back for backwards compatibility. This can just be removed
when __file_exec goes away. */
if (err == MIG_BAD_ID)
err = __file_exec (file, task, flags,
args, argslen, env, envlen,
dtable, MACH_MSG_TYPE_COPY_SEND, dtablesize,
ports, MACH_MSG_TYPE_COPY_SEND, _hurd_nports,
please_dealloc, pdp - please_dealloc,
task == __mach_task_self () ? 1 : 0);
@@ -425,14 +433,16 @@ _hurd_exec_file_name (task_t task, file_t file, const char *filename,
__mach_port_deallocate (__mach_task_self (), dtable[i]);
/* Release lock on the file descriptor table. */
__mutex_unlock (&_hurd_dtable_lock);
/* Safe to let signals happen now. */
_hurd_critical_section_unlock (ss);
free (args);
free (env);
+ outcanonname:
+ free (canonname);
return err;
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