2.11.4: Call for testing

Aurelien Jarno aurelien@aurel32.net
Sat Aug 13 13:39:00 GMT 2011

On Sat, May 28, 2011 at 07:01:06PM +0200, Petr Baudis wrote:
>   Hello!
>   In a week or two, I would like to tag 2.11.4. Testing and suggestions
> for more bugs to be picked is welcome! (Or if you need more time...)

Doing some more testing, I have found the follow issues:

- c81fb726d822c5c5296c21c9d47c323ce14aa723 breaks "make install", as it
  tries to install bits/timex.h, which is not present in 2.11.4. Either
  83fe108b0a9bc4f2deb14695bb0c8b2011e79f28 has to be cherry-picked or
  this commit has to be reverted.

- 82c938203add9de265744987c8f1efa454d80461 breaks dpkg on Debian, I
  guess it is related to the last message in PR12724 saying it also
  breaks Ruby. It might be better to revert it until a patch making it
  fclose() fully compliant with POSIX is available.

Aurelien Jarno                          GPG: 1024D/F1BCDB73
aurelien@aurel32.net                 http://www.aurel32.net

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