RFC: Test optimizations for multiple architectures

Roland McGrath roland@redhat.com
Thu Nov 11 22:44:00 GMT 2010

> --enable-test-multi-arch is intended for development build, not for production
> build. My glibc development build environment is totally separate from the
> production build environment. That is true for my gcc, binutils and gdb builds.

People who have to maintain production builds need to run full test suites
on the actual production code.  Otherwise it's just not testing you can
rely on.  Doing more testing on your far-from-production development builds
is of course better than not doing that testing.  But it's not a substitute
for more complete testing on the real builds.

> You need to be very careful about circular dependency. The current runtime
> selection doesn't require relocations. Anything more complex may require
> relocations at run-time.

I think you may have misunderstood what I proposed.  The way ifunc works
makes it essentially impossible to use anything in the selectors that
requires other relocation, so we would never change it to be more complex.
What I suggested involved no changes whatsoever in how the current ifunc
selector code works.  The new call would just be a way to preinitialize
those bitmaps so the selector code never runs cpuid et al.


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