RFC: Test optimizations for multiple architectures

Roland McGrath roland@redhat.com
Thu Nov 11 22:14:00 GMT 2010

> I assume you meant [...]

That's not the only thing.  The sad fact is that some idiot will build his
production library with your configure option too.  And the simple fact is
that everyone else's package build times will suffer by having to do yet
another whole glibc build just to run the tests and then throw it away and
do the real build without the testing hacks built into the library.

> Override selection of functions at runtime may not be easy since it is
> called quite earlier during start up.

Unless you use LD_BIND_NOW, it's not done until the functions are used.
Any references in libc's on PLT might be resolved early, for str* calls
made in startup code before main.  But the test program won't make any
calls to str*/mem* itself before main runs.

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