release branch procedures
Roland McGrath
Sat May 23 04:44:00 GMT 2009
Like I said, that old message was just a starting point for discussion.
Reading it alone lacks the context of the even earlier discussion about
this (sorry, pointers not handy). That gist of that context is that
community release branches are only really useful at all if they are in
fact a convenient means of collaboration for distro glibc maintainers.
All my intents about release management are based on that premise.
The proposals about strict rules for bugzilla and so forth presupposed
also actually working out and implementing procedures for bugzilla
workflow that keep it all convenient and well-tracked for everyone,
which never happened either. That is another discussion I hope we might
be able to jump-start again soon and tie it into the release management
ideas as we hash it all out. But certainly any new branch conventions
relating to bugzilla don't make sense until we work out what to do with
bugzilla to make it not such a mess.
The core idea about a conservative filter on what goes into a release
branch is to make sure it stays something that is a common baseline for
update releases acceptable to all distro maintainers and to "official"
GNU maintainers. To keep GNU maintainers happy, it needs to be all
cherry-picks (or manual backports when needed) from mainline. To keep
distro maintainers happy, it needs to be patches that they would include
in their glibc update packages anyway.
So the "gate-keeping" role of a branch's release manager is to
ascertain a true consensus among different distro maintainers each
actively working on a distro stream based on this branch, and then
apply a "smell test" from a "pure" community/GNU perspective.
(Every distro will always carry some patches, and there may well be
a patch that every distro agrees on but that we won't ever think is
appropriate for a GNU release.)
That consensus comes from each maintainer's judgment of "tested and
right enough for this maintenance stream". The character of that
judgment will vary for different maintenance streams and over
different periods of the lifetime of a release stream. That's as it
should be. The "tested in production" rules in that old message of
mine was just a vague attempt to codify what we know every serious
distro maintainer will be doing anyway (i.e. having tested your new
stable distro builds with the patches before submitting them).
The official GNU bug-fix releases (if they were ever to happen) would be
far less frequent than new distro stable builds being distributed for
testing. The latter often happens on a daily basis.
The workflow I envision is something like this:
1. distro maintainer chooses a patch to include in a distro glibc update.
(This step might implicitly include fixing the bug, submitting the fix
for mainline, etc.) First puts it in a distro branch, private topic
branch then merged into distro branch, or just package-build patch,
builds new distro package, tests it, decides it is good. (For any
nontrivial fix, the "it is good" decision presumably follows some
users/testers using that build.) For open-collaboration distros,
doing that inherently includes "publishing" the build, somewhere at
least known to the distro's developer/tester community.
2. distro maintainer puts patch on a "could be merged" branch
(i.e. one that forks from release/x/master). This could be in a
private user/branch or distro/branch in the community repo, or in
an advertised personal/distro repo. Then posts patch, citation,
pull-request, whatever, for community consideration. Other
distro maintainers and commenters will post assent or dissent.
When multiple distro maintainers either use sourceware or
advertise their own well-known repo, then you can affirm one of
another distro maintainer's "could be merged" branches by merging
it into yours. Maintainers might have a single "pretty sure
about merging" branch they always use, or they might use multiple
topic branches for separate fixes.
One way to do the distro-private workflow is to use a topic
branch forked from the shared release/x/master to begin with, and
merge that into your distro/x/master branch from which you make
distro builds. Then after it's verified working and you propose
it for the community release branch, that original topic branch
can eventually get merged into release/x/master so your next
merge onto distro/x/master is automagic. Of course all that is
up to each maintainer.
3. At some point the release branch manager comes along and gleans
that there is consensus for some set of patches, and applies the
smell test. If it feels kosher, he merges the proposed branch
into release/x/master.
In the first days of a new branch, this might be happening very
often. But later in a cycle, it may be natural for the branch
manager to take stock every week or three and merge in several
consensus items. If distro branch maintainers are pulling in
each other's topic branches as they agree on things, then each
actual central release branch merge is more pro forma than part
of how maintainers manage changes. It only really matters when
it aids someone's convenience and for step #4...
4. At some point, somebody looks up and says, "I think I feel a point
release coming on, how about y'all?" The branch manager responds
as if poked with a stick if he has been slow on his #3 iterations.
When the consensus of maintainers is that release/x/master now just
about has the good stuff, the whole good stuff, and nothing but the
good stuff, or at least enough to settle the stomach for a while,
and thus it might deserve to be enshrined on, the
branch manager does the final (and only) non-backport commits like
version.h and NEWS updates. When maintainers tell the branch
manager he hasn't just botched that, he makes a signed tag, cranks
out tarballs and signs them (and the rest is history).
Naturally some of the time #2 will be short-circuited to just
somebody emailing a patch or citing a mainline commit informally.
A branch manager being proactive might decide some mainline commits
are "obviously right and obviously necessary" and short-circuit #3
to do the cherry-pick onto release/x/master himself based on wise
and conservative discretion that all the distro maintainers will
have agreed with the selection. And I have no idea if any
maintainers will really want to use many mergeable topic branches
and pull each other's as a common way of working (I just think
that's what I'd want to do).
This is a loose illustration of what I think could go nicely for
everybody. The only hard and fast requirement of what procedures
we actually set (or even sometimes follow ;-) from me is that in my
discretion as a GNU maintainer and as a steward of the overall
glibc community I feel it's something I can participate in and
endorse as producing proper GNU C Library releases that I will be
proud to have print my name. I don't want to be one of the most
active participants in the long run (it's been 20 years already).
So I'm all for establishing whatever the modes of collaboration are
that best make that happen over time with the people who will do it.
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