onwards to git

Roland McGrath roland@redhat.com
Sun May 17 13:54:00 GMT 2009

> Since the branch commits were not aggregated, reapplying the tags is feasible.
> I'll get to it next week if necessary, but if someone else wants
> to lend a hand, I'd appreciate being able to work on other things.

I'm not sure how to go about it, so I'm scared to try.
There is no great hurry on recovering the old cvs tags on branches,
if it gets done eventually.

> E.g., I'll be installing a so-called update hook to prohibit
> pushing merge commits, a push-triggered email-diffs hook, and
> eventually one more to enforce access control policy.

Thanks for all the help!  Please discuss the details of each of these on
libc-hacker or this list before they are in place constraining things.


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