onwards to git

Jim Meyering jim@meyering.net
Thu May 14 21:11:00 GMT 2009

Jim Meyering wrote:
> I've fixed a bug that was making tags miss the proper
> revision by one, and now realize that branches have
> to be grafted onto the aggregated-commit master.

I've written the code to graft all branches back on to the
aggregated-commit trunk, and to make the grafts permanent --
then tested it using contrived (and small) repositories.

The converter is now processing glibc.git for the 2nd time this evening.
By the time it finishes, I hope to be sleeping.  I will check the
result about 8 hours later when I start Friday.

The only disadvantage with the new grafting procedure is that any tag
that points to a commit on a branch will be lost, but I don't think there
are any of those.  Even if there are, I'll bet it doesn't matter.

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