onwards to git

Paolo Bonzini bonzini@gnu.org
Mon May 4 13:33:00 GMT 2009

> On Wed, Apr 29, 2009 at 11:27:57AM -0700, Ulrich Drepper wrote:
>> Immediately after the release of 2.10 on 5/9 we'll switch over the master 
>> and *only* repository for glibc to git.  There is already a git mirror in 
>> place so it's not unheard of.  We'll recreate the git archive once more 
>> from scratch.
>   Excellent news! Will you also move to the practice of atomic commits
> (i.e. keeping it one changelog entry - one commit) so that the history
> becomes bisectable, among other things?

I would like to have atomic commits for prior versions too.  I attach a
script to do the conversion for the existing history too, it would be
great to have it applied before the switch.  It is based on
git-filter-branch but quite heavily modified to do just what it needs to
do (for example it expects no merges, and it does not need to read and
write tree objects, since those can be reused completely).

Commits are split when the author changes, or at ChangeLog checkins.
This does *not* include checkins of other changelogs such as
nptl/ChangeLog.  This is the only known limitation, basically.

It is as easy as running "sh ~/glibc-reconstruct-commits <BRANCH1>
<BRANCH2>..." where the branch names are the git branch names that you
will want to publish.  It can be aborted and restarted, but the
processing will restart from scratch (it took ~1 hour to do the
conversion of the master branch on my not-so-new machine, so you can say
it's not so slow).

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