[patch] pthread_mutex asserts on s390(x)

Michael Matz matz@suse.de
Mon Nov 3 14:39:00 GMT 2008


the attached testcase (reduced from one in libapr) frequently triggers the 
mutex->__data.__owner == 0 assert.  It turns out the problem are missing 
memory clobbers in the inline asm versions of atomic cmp-and-swap.  As 
they are also used to implement the low-level-locks they need to act as 
barrier.  With the patch the load is not reordered anymore and the 
testcase survices.

	* sysdeps/s390/bits/atomic.h
	 __arch_compare_and_exchange_val_64_acq): Add "memory" clobber.

Index: sysdeps/s390/bits/atomic.h
--- sysdeps/s390/bits/atomic.h.orig
+++ sysdeps/s390/bits/atomic.h
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ typedef uintmax_t uatomic_max_t;
      __typeof (*mem) __archold = (oldval);				      \
      __asm __volatile ("cs %0,%2,%1"					      \
 		       : "+d" (__archold), "=Q" (*__archmem)		      \
-		       : "d" (newval), "m" (*__archmem) : "cc" );	      \
+		       : "d" (newval), "m" (*__archmem) : "cc", "memory" );	      \
      __archold; })
 #ifdef __s390x__
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ typedef uintmax_t uatomic_max_t;
      __typeof (*mem) __archold = (oldval);				      \
      __asm __volatile ("csg %0,%2,%1"					      \
 		       : "+d" (__archold), "=Q" (*__archmem)		      \
-		       : "d" ((long) (newval)), "m" (*__archmem) : "cc" );    \
+		       : "d" ((long) (newval)), "m" (*__archmem) : "cc", "memory" );    \
      __archold; })
 /* For 31 bit we do not really need 64-bit compare-and-exchange. We can
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