How can I use M_MMAP_MAX?

Steve Munroe
Thu Apr 10 12:59:00 GMT 2008

"Bruce Korb" <> wrote on 04/09/2008 04:14:04 PM:

> I really expected this to work:
> #include <malloc.h>
> typedef void (malloc_init_t)   (void);
> static malloc_init_t    malloc_init;
> malloc_init_t * __malloc_initialize_hook = malloc_init;
> static void
> malloc_init(void)
> {
>     mallopt(M_MMAP_MAX, 0);
> }
> However, all the 132+892K mappings below are mmap-ed:

All of your malloc requests are larger then the M_MMAP_THRESHOLD! And all
such allocations are mmaped.
So change your M_MMAP_THRESHOLD!

Bruce you obviously have not read the available documentation! Please do
your homework and use the #glibc for any further questions.

Steven J. Munroe
Linux on Power Toolchain Architect
IBM Corporation, Linux Technology Center

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