Updated x86-64 memcpy and New x86-64 memset

Evandro Menezes evandro@yahoo.com
Sat Aug 25 18:36:00 GMT 2007


> You compare (in memcpy) what is larger:
>   __x86_64_core_cache_size_half
>   _x86_64_data_cache_size_half
> The result is never going to change.  Therefore this should be done in
> the cacheinfo initialization.  If one of the vars is never used
> otherwise remove it (I haven't checked it).

The way I wrote the initialization code, if a cache topology is absent its corresponding variable has a value of zero.

What I'm trying to account for are the several different configurations one can find in commonly found processors:

		Data	Core	Shared
Opteron		L1	L2	-
Barcelona	L1	L2	L3
P4		L1	L2	-
P4 Xeon		L1	L2	L3
Core2		L1	-	L2

So, in the example you mentioned above, on Core2 the core data is L1 and the core cache is absent, therefore L1 is larger.  In all other processros above, core cache is always larger.

> Where are the performance numbers for memset?  For Intel and AMD.

They should be coming up soon.

Thanks, -- 
Evandro Menezes          Austin, TX           http://themenezes.us

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