s390 problem with libc

Christopher Parker cpnguser@austin.rr.com
Tue Oct 31 17:34:00 GMT 2006

If this is the wrong list, I appologize. I am working with the linux from
scratch doc to build an s390 linux system from scratch.  I am running into
a problem with GAWK where it is not correctly recognizing the field
I have been able to narrow the problem down to the loader.  If I use the
driving system loader, the field separator is handled properly.  If I use
the loader from my GLIBC build, I have the problem with the field separator.
I am building GLIBC version 2.3.4 with the following options:

--disable-profile --enable-add-ons \
--enable-kernel=2.6.0 --with-binutils=/tools/bin \
--without-gd --with-headers=/tools/include \

Are there any additional parameters or patches that I should be using with
this build.

Chris Parker

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