Segmentation fault due to missing libnss_db
Mon Oct 30 20:15:00 GMT 2006

On Sun, Oct 29, 2006 at 10:50:51PM -0800, Ulrich Drepper wrote:
> wrote:
> >Hope this is useful; if not, sorry for the noise.
> There is not enough information.  I cannot reproduce any crash.  Note, I 
> used _today's_ cvs version.  There were some hickups in the recent 
> past.  Try again.  If the problem persists get a real traceback.

As indicated, I was using 2.5-branch. Since the 2.5-branch Changelog
is 3 weeks old, I assume you mean I should try the default branch?
I'll give it a try.

Andrew Walrond

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