missing 'symbols' keyword in ports/sysdeps/unix/bsd/osf/Attic/.cvsignore,v

Olaf Hering olh@suse.de
Mon Mar 20 04:52:00 GMT 2006

I'm using the cvs2svn trunk to convert glibc cvs to svn.

time cvs2svn --fs-type=fsfs  -s /root/glibc-svn /root/glibc-cvs
Starting Subversion r11585 / 66072
Starting Subversion r11586 / 66072
ERROR: The command '['co', '-q', '-x,v', '-p1.1', '/root/glibc-cvs/ports/sysdeps/unix/bsd/osf/Attic/.cvsignore,v']' failed with exit status: 1
and the following output:
co: /root/glibc-cvs/ports/sysdeps/unix/bsd/osf/Attic/.cvsignore,v:3: missing 'symbols' keyword
co aborted

This patch fixes it. No idea if all rcs files must have a symbols keyword.

 ports/sysdeps/unix/bsd/osf/Attic/.cvsignore,v |    1 +
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)

Index: glibc-cvs/ports/sysdeps/unix/bsd/osf/Attic/.cvsignore,v
--- glibc-cvs.orig/ports/sysdeps/unix/bsd/osf/Attic/.cvsignore,v
+++ glibc-cvs/ports/sysdeps/unix/bsd/osf/Attic/.cvsignore,v
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 head	1.2;
 locks; strict;
 comment	@# @;

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