NPTL libthread_db changes for static debugging

Roland McGrath
Fri Mar 3 11:43:00 GMT 2006

I don't really like that fake creation event.  It's not really right.

I have had this patch sitting in my tree for, well, I guess about a year
and half.  I don't recall whether static pthreads was what this was about,
but I can't off hand see what else it would have been.  This makes
td_ta_map_lwp2thr, and thereby td_ta_thr_iter, fail with TD_NOTHR before
the thread register is set up.  That should prevent the confused results
you mentioned.  

This doesn't stop for the debugger as soon as things are initialized.  But
I don't really see the need for that.  You can try map_lwp2thr again the
next time the process stops for whatever reason.  You don't really need to
know it until first real thread creation event.

What do you think?


2004-09-09  Roland McGrath  <>

	* td_ta_map_lwp2thr.c (td_ta_map_lwp2thr): Check for uninitialized
	thread register in initial thread, and return TD_NOTHR for that case.

Index: nptl_db/td_ta_map_lwp2thr.c
RCS file: /cvs/glibc/libc/nptl_db/td_ta_map_lwp2thr.c,v
retrieving revision 1.5
diff -b -B -p -u -r1.5 td_ta_map_lwp2thr.c
--- nptl_db/td_ta_map_lwp2thr.c	9 Sep 2004 22:50:10 -0000	1.5
+++ nptl_db/td_ta_map_lwp2thr.c	3 Mar 2006 11:31:57 -0000
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
 #include <stdlib.h>
 #include <byteswap.h>
 #include <sys/procfs.h>
+#include <errno.h>
@@ -119,8 +120,6 @@ td_ta_map_lwp2thr (const td_thragent_t *
   switch (ta->ta_howto)
     case ta_howto_unknown:
-      return TD_DBERR;
       return TD_DBERR;
@@ -132,6 +131,13 @@ td_ta_map_lwp2thr (const td_thragent_t *
 				    0, regs, &addr);
       if (terr != TD_OK)
 	return terr;
+      /* If the inferior is too early in startup, its thread register
+	 is not initialized yet.  The only way we can really tell this
+	 is by assuming the uninitialized value is zero.  */
+      if (addr == (psaddr_t) 0)
+	return lwpid == ps_getpid (ta->ph) ? TD_NOTHR : TD_ERR;
       /* In this descriptor the nelem word is overloaded as the bias.  */
       addr += (int32_t) DB_DESC_NELEM (ta->ta_howto_data.reg);
       th->th_unique = addr;
@@ -146,8 +152,14 @@ td_ta_map_lwp2thr (const td_thragent_t *
        /* A la x86-64, there is a constant magic index for get_thread_area.  */
        if (ps_get_thread_area (ta->ph, lwpid,
-			       &th->th_unique) != PS_OK)
+			      &addr) != PS_OK)
 	 return TD_ERR;	/* XXX Other error value?  */
+      /* In early startup, the pseudo-register has not been set up yet.  */
+      if (addr == (psaddr_t) 0)
+	return lwpid == ps_getpid (ta->ph) ? TD_NOTHR : TD_ERR;
+      th->th_unique = addr;
      case ta_howto_reg_thread_area:
@@ -167,7 +179,13 @@ td_ta_map_lwp2thr (const td_thragent_t *
 	   ((addr - (psaddr_t) 0)
 	    >> DB_DESC_NELEM (ta->ta_howto_data.reg_thread_area)),
 	   &th->th_unique) != PS_OK)
+	{
+	  /* In early startup, the segment register has not been set up yet
+	     and is not a valid index for get_thread_area.  */
+	  if (errno == EINVAL)
+	    return lwpid == ps_getpid (ta->ph) ? TD_NOTHR : TD_ERR;
 	return TD_ERR;	/* XXX Other error value?  */
+	}

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