[patch] Make the mmap/brk threshold in malloc dynamic to improve performance

Arjan van de Ven arjan@linux.intel.com
Thu Mar 2 21:09:00 GMT 2006

Steve Munroe wrote:
> libc-alpha-owner@sourceware.org wrote on 03/02/2006 01:16:56 PM:
>  > Hi,
>  >
>  > We've been investigating a performance issue that in the end turns out
>  > to be best fixed in glibc.
>  >
>  > The test case can best be described as a threaded application that has a
>  > pool of worker threads that, for a transaction, allocate a piece of
>  > memory (of around 1 to 8Mb, depending on the configuration), use that
>  > for the transaction and then free it again, and return to the pool.
>  >
> A oprofile of the application before and after your proposed patch would 
> help demonstrate the problem and how the proposal improves the situation.

I have the kernel profiles to show it; I just need to organize them in a 
presentable way ;)

> Also you may want to look the existing bugzilla 
> http://sources.redhat.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=1541 and see if the 
> problem you found was similar and if the test case attached to the this 
> bugzilla shows similar improvement.

I suspect it will from having looked at it on a high level

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